Are you looking for more information on an insurance sales career with the People Helping People Agency (PHP)?
Has a People Helping People Agency recruiter described his opinion of the company, but you’d like to do your own due diligence?
Perhaps you’re skeptical.
You may wonder if PHP is a scam or pyramid scheme, and wonder if it’s legit.
If you’re looking for the truth about the People Helping People Agency, then you have found the right article!
My job today is to provide an “insider’s” perspective on all the inner workings of the People Helping People Agency.
I want you to have ALL of the facts, and become aware of what the opportunity really is like.
Bottom line, my hope is that you’ll gather enough information from this article to decide if PHP agency is right for you or not.
So let’s begin.
PS: Check out my insurance sales jobs reviews of other agencies for more information.
NOTE: Are you an aspiring or new insurance agent looking for more insight on how the insurance sales industry works? Check out my free New Insurance Agent Resource Guide to help answer many of your questions (as well as ones you didn’t know you had!).
About The People Helping People Agency
The People Helping People Agency was started by Patrick Bet-David in 2009 in Northridge, California, after working for World Financial Group for many years.
Since then, over 12,000 people have become licensed agents with People Helping People, and over 200,000 families have been served through PHP promoted insurance products.
People Helping People is partnered with well-known insurance carriers such as:
- National Life Group,
- American National,
- American General,
- Mutual Of Omaha,
- Global Atlantic,
- and more.
About Patrick Bet-David
Mr. Bet-David is an interesting personality.
He runs a multi-million person subscription YouTube channel called Valuetainment, and served in the 101st Airborne prior to starting his insurance sales business.
As a boy, he immigrated to America from war-torn Iran and understands first-hand what rags-to-riches really means.
You can learn more about Patrick Bet-David here.
Market Specialization
The People Helping People Agency targets what’s known as the middle markets for insurance-based financial planning.
There are different target markets that an agent can focus on.
For example, an agent may target the low-income senior market to sell products like final expense or Medicare Advantage.
Or maybe an upper-income markets the sell more advanced life insurance products like annuities and retirement planning.
The middle market People Helping People Agency targets consist of folks making middle-class incomes.
Compared to wealthier markets, middle markets don’t receive as much attention despite being the largest market of life insurance sales opportunity.
This is where PHP has made its stake.
They provide basic insurance-based financial planning services focusing on:
- Term insurance,
Why Agents Partner With PHP Agency
In PHP’s Agent Opportunity brochure, they describe several reasons why agents choose to partner with People Helping People:
- Being Your Own Boss. Entrepreneurship and control of your income is heavily promoted as a core PHP Agency value.
- Multicultural. People Helping People Agency has a focus being a place for multicultural agents to go and work.
- Vesting: Shorter vesting period on new business than the competition (I’ll discuss what this means a little later).
Is PHP A Scam?
One thing that many brand new agents worry about is whether or not their insurance sales opportunity is a scam, pyramid scheme, or oriented towards a multi-level marketing (MLM) culture instead of a traditional work environment.
First, I’ll address the thought some of you might have…
Is the People Helping People agency a scam?
Bottom line, despite its multi-level marketing hierarchy (I’ll talk more about this briefly), People Helping People is definitely not a scam.
In fact, PHP is a legitimate financial services company helping hundreds of thousands of people across the country.
Now, let me review the question of the MLM structure of the People Helping People Agency.
The truth is this…
The entire insurance business is structured on a hierarchical basis, much like a traditional multi-level marketing company looks like.
Producers in your downline allow you to make what’s called an override, which is a percentage of each sale the agent closes.
With enough consistently-producing agents, having a downline is a very lucrative opportunity.
When I consult with insurance agents about their multi-level marketing concerns, their issue isn’t necessarily the structure of the company…
The issue is with the culture of the company.
Here’s how I mean…
Agents who express concern in the culture of an insurance organization are concerned that the organization may place too much importance on recruiting, instead of training competent and effective insurance agents.
Maybe you fit into this profile. Maybe you don’t.
But there are some agents who just flat out don’t want to recruit and just want to sell.
How Important Is Recruiting With The PHP Agency?
Review the People Helping People compensation and promotional guidelines here.
As you navigate the document, it becomes clear that career advancements require focused effort on recruiting a downline.
For example, you must recruit 3 direct business partners to advance to the Level 2 commission, and have 15 base recruits and one direct associate to advance to Level 3 commissions.
In a moment, I’ll give you my opinion on what you should consider… IF you ONLY want to sell, not recruit.
More on this shortly.
Lead Programs
While PHP agency does not offer life insurance leads for sale, they do teach you how to develop your own leads from your sphere of influence using what’s called the “Project 100” method.
What Is The Project 100 Method?
Project 100 involves you meeting with your manager and devising a list of as many friends, family members, and former business associates.
These connections become your pool of prospects to meet with and discuss opportunities to help with insurance-based planning.
Here are some of the benefits of the Project 100:
- No Cold Calling. Traditional no-cost prospecting systems require you to approach residences and businesses cold. And anyone who has experience knocking on doors will tell you it is brutal at times.
- Higher Sales Conversion: Friends and family buy more often than purchased insurance leads or cold-calling.
- No Cost. Insurance lead programs can cost thousands of dollars a month. The Project 100 method costs nothing beyond your time time employ.
- Referral-Based Marketing. Any insurance agent will tell you that referrals are the best leads. Referrals buy more and refer more. The Project 100 method allows you to base ALL of your prospecting efforts on generating referrals.
Since the Project 100 method is a list of people you already know, you are prospecting your “warm market.”
Basically, your connections will have more willingness to meet with you to see what you’re offering.
Plus, your warm market refers more often than cold-prospecting business.
This is a basic explanation of Project 100. There’s more to it that your People Helping People agency manager will teach you.
Typically, you are taught the business on your Project 100 with your manager riding along with you to demonstrate the sales presentation.
Let’s shift gears from prospecting methods to compensation.
First and foremost, the People Helping People Agency is a 100% commission based opportunity, contingent upon you writing business and training other agents to do the same.
There is no draw, wage, or salary.
As the old saying goes, “You eat what you kill!”
Follow this link to see People Helping People’s updated commission schedule.
How To Increase Commissions With The PHP Agency
At the core of PHP’s commission advancement is downline agency development.
In other words, personal production alone several limits your ability to advance your commission percentage relative to other agency opportunities like mine that more highly value personal production from the beginning.
For example, commission starts at 30% for new recruits.
To increase your commission at all levels above starting commission, you must recruit more and more agents into your hierarchy.
Author’s Opinions
Now that I’ve laid out a basic understanding of what the People Helping People agency is about, I am going to lay out my opinions and criticisms of the People Helping People Agency in this section.
My “bias” is for showing you the entire picture, and bringing up potential concerns to consider more thoroughly before joining.
Let’s begin…
People Helping People Agency Commission Is Low For The Personal Producer
In my research of different insurance sales organizations, one common theme is that the recruitment-focused organizations start commission lower relative to other agency opportunities.
This is the case with People Helping People.
Starting commission levels with the PHP agency is 30%. Other organizations start agents out at 55% to 70%.
Even further, producer-oriented agencies like mine that focus on teaching the craft of selling insurance start agents out on most contracts at 100% or better.
Why is this such a big deal?
Because, the LOWER your commission level, the less money you earn. And the less money you earn, the harder it is to stay profitable.
Commission Example
Here’s how I mean.
Two agents make the same sale.
It is a $2000 annual premium indexed universal life sale.
One agent has a 30% commission. The other has a 70%.
The agent on a 30% commission makes $600 first year income, but the agent with a 70% commission makes $1400.
That’s an $800 difference in payout!
And if said agents made 50 sales the entire year, the agent with a 70% contract makes $40,000 MORE commission than the agent with a 30% contract.
Then Again, Commission Isn’t Everything
Low commission insurance sales opportunities will suggest that looking at commission on its own without measuring other value-added benefits like training, support, and lead generation is faulty thinking.
I tend to agree.
You shouldn’t choose to pass on the PHP opportunity because of commission levels alone.
Evaluate the training and support your recruiter provides. Ask them about their insurance sales experience.
Ask for a ride-along opportunity to judge the business before going through the process of licensing and appointment.
As suggested, take the whole package into consideration before jumping into the People Helping People Agency.
Get Comfortable Selling Friends And Family
With PHP’s lower start commission levels, it does not make sense to involve yourself in any purchased lead program.
You simply do not have the margins to make good money while covering your costs.
So that leaves the Project 100 as your only prospecting strategy.
Which means you MUST talk with friends, family members, and business associates about insurance.
And not just insurance, either. People Helping People wants you recruiting new agents from this same Project 100 list.
So if you want commission level increases, sell not only insurance policies but also recruit your sphere of influence.
Don’t Do It If You’re Not Comfortable
If you’re like me, you do not like the idea of doing business with friends and family.
Sure, there are some advantages. Friends and family buy and refer more often.
But, in many cases, pursuing your sphere of influence for either insurance sales or career opportunities will burn many bridges.
While I am sure some agents can navigate this concern, I never wanted to pursue my warm market immediately because
- I had no experience and didn’t want to sell them a product that was inappropriate, and,
- Business dealings with friends and family gone wrong can permanently damage relationships.
At the Duford household, we separate business from pleasure.
Unless a family member pursues me for help, I do not solicit them for sales or joining my agency.
Again, this is a personal preference. You may have total confidence and no concern following the Project 100 method.
If that’s the case, then PHP’s prospecting teaching will fit right in.
If it isn’t, you may want to consider other insurance sales opportunities based around purchased leads.
Some Start-Up Costs For People Helping People
People Helping People has start-up costs. Please note this is subject to change if PHP changes its guidelines.
First, there is a $250 initial fee for new agents getting appointed.
Second, you must also purchase errors and omissions insurance for approximately $500.
Third, expect your upline to encourage you to attend PHP’s massive annual conference.
Travel, accommodations, and entry range approximately $200 to $1000.
Vesting is defined as when agent ownership of his book of business takes place.
Ideally, the sooner you own your book of business, the better. Why?
Because if you quit prematurely before your book is vested, you will lose all future commission payouts.
And while there are organizations that require 10 years of service to fully appoint (they incrementally increase vesting year over year), the People Helping people agency shortens that to only 1 year of service before 100% vesting occurs.
Vesting Is Unnecessary
Yes, 1 year vesting is better than 10 year vesting, but my complaint is, why even require an agent to spend time to vest?
Many organizations like mine vest 100% immediately upon appointment. In other words, any business you write is YOUR business.
Whether or not you work with my organization, you continue to receive your contractual commissions.
Added, if you are bringing in prospects through referral methods, is it right to say that the agent should not own that business outright?
I can understand if the company is funneling leads to the agent, sure.
But not when the agent is doing the heavy lifting of finding qualified prospects.
About Me

When I first began investigating selling insurance, I discovered a truism of the business I want to share with you now…
You MUST vet any organization or individual trying to impact your perspective towards a company or insurance sales career path.
Because bias runs rampant in this business.
You want guarantees that anyone influencing you has your best interests at heart.
And this vetting process includes vetting me!
Because of that, I will explain my career selling insurance since 2011.
That way you know my perspective and I reveal what are my interests and motivations.
My Career
I started selling final expense insurance in 2011.
I jumped into the insurance business because my first business in personal training was on the ropes.
Basically, I got into insurance out of pure desperation.
Nobody was hiring at this point during The Great Recession, and insurance sales was my only option.
Thankfully, I found a great opportunity in the business.
I did very well initially, but failed out 12 months into the business due to my own poor mindset and lack of discipline.
At that point, I went back to work for a Fortune 500 company.
And what I learned throughout my tenure was that the difficulties of the insurance business FAR outweighed the difficulties of working for someone else.
So I planned my escape!
And within 12 months, I quit my job, and was back into selling final expense full-time.
Thankfully, I’ve never returned to working in a “real job!”
By 2013, building my own agency became important to me, so I started my national insurance agency to recruit and train agents to become top producers.
I’m happy to report I’ve been extremely successful in building my agency and helping many agents to success across the country.
I’m also an author of 3 best selling insurance sales books, and operate a popular YouTube insurance sales and marketing channel.
I’ve also added more sales and marketing systems in addition to final expense sales, which include:
- annuities, and,
Question Of Bias
After reading my bio, you may ask yourself,
“What bias do you have that I should be aware of?”
First of all, my goal is to grow into a personal “center of influence” on all-thing insurance sales and marketing.
So, building and keeping my integrity intact is of utmost concern to my long-term success.
What this means is this:
I am ALWAYS biased to providing more information (both good AND bad) to agents investigating insurance sales opportunities.
Obviously, there is the potential for personal gain writing review articles like this.
These articles will eventually rank in Google Search, and people researching the PHP agency will discover my opportunities to sell insurance nationally.
And yes, some will decide to work with me.
Helping Without Expectation Of Anything In Return
However, despite the opportunity for personal gain, the amount is fractional relative to the whole.
If anything, the vast majority reading will either skip out on the People Helping People Agency’s opportunity because they determine it’s not for them.
Or end up joining as my review has boosted their confidence in the organization and provided a better perspective on what to expect with the People Helping People agency.
Bottom line is this…
What you do with the information I’m showing you today is totally up to you.
There’s many reasons why agents fail out of the insurance business.
And working for the wrong agency is a common reason for premature quitting.
To summarize, yes, I AM biased.
But… helping agents out long-term without expectation of anything in return is paramount.
And giving away your time and effort always results in positive outcomes in business and in life.
How To Quit People Helping People (PHP)
There are many reasons you may want to quit People Helping People, for example, you ran out of money to invest in leads, you ran out of prospects to sell to, or you simply found that the business of selling insurance wasn’t a good fit for you.
The good news is, quitting People Helping People is easy.
Here’s how to do it.
First, start by doing your due diligence and find another insurance agency to work for. We recommend you review our Free Agent Resource Guide here for tips on finding a quality insurance agency to join.
Once you find a new agency or carrier to join, you can go ahead and switch your affiliations.
You should keep in mind that as an insurance agent, you are licensed by the state and not by the company. No insurance agency can prevent you from stopping your affiliation with it and doing business with another organization.
You may need to cancel the affiliation with People Helping People. The termination usually needs to be filed within a 30 day window, however canceling affiliation is not always mandatory.
To become properly appointed with the new insurance carrier or agency, you simply complete contracting with the new insurance carrier.
Typically, the window for companies to process affiliations is very short, with most companies approving insurance agent carrier appointments within 1 to 2 weeks on average.
Bottom line, quitting People Helping People is no big deal. Simply find another organization that’s better suited to your insurance sales career goals, submit contracting through the new organization, and within the next few weeks, you’re good to go and can stop doing business with People Helping People.
Companies Like People Helping People (PHP)
Let’s take a look at some insurance agencies and companies similar to People Helping People (PHP) in case you’re interested in doing a comparison.
Symmetry Financial Group is an insurance marketing organization based out of Swannanoa, North Carolina.
SFG specializes in several life insurance markets, primarily the mortgage protection insurance market. The company also offers final expense insurance, a type of whole life insurance designed to cover medical bills and funeral expenses after the policyholder’s passing.
Bankers Life
Bankers Life was established in 1879 in Chicago, Illinois. The company is a subsidiary of CNO Financial Group.
Bankers Life offers life insurance, long-term care, annuities, Medicare (Supplements, Advantage Plans, Part D prescription drug coverage), critical illness insurance, as well as vision and dental plans. It targets the senior market, typically people age 60 and older who are near retirement.
American Income Life (AIL)
American Income Life, a wholly owned subsidiary of Globe Life Insurance, is a major provider of supplemental life insurance. The company was founded in 1951 and is headquartered in Waco, Texas.
American Income Life’s core markets are labor unions, credit unions, and associations for insurance solicitation. Its insurance products include life insurance and supplemental health.
New York Life
New York Life, established in 1845, is the largest mutual life insurance company in the country. It offers premium life insurance, long-term care insurance, retirement income insurance, and investment plans, including annuities, mutual funds, and ETF saving plans.
USHEALTH Advisors is a wholly-owned national sales and distribution subsidiary of USHEALTH Group, one of the largest employers of health insurance agents in the United States.
USHEALTH offers individual health coverage plans and a number of related supplementary products. It specializes in marketing innovative and affordable health coverage plans. The company is focused on providing healthcare solutions to individuals and families, as well as self-employed and small business owners.
Equis is a marketing organization for independent insurance agents and agency builders.
Its main product is mortgage protection life insurance, designed to reduce or eliminate the threat of foreclosure or eviction if the insured passes unexpectedly. The company also offers final expense, living benefits, and indexed universal life insurance products.
Freedom Equity Group
Freedom Equity Group, based in Arroyo Grande, California, is an independent marketing organization (IMO) that contracts with insurance companies to promote and distribute a range of life insurance products.
Freedom Equity Group focuses on selling life insurance and annuities. Its main product is indexed universal life insurance, a form of permanent coverage that provides a cash value in addition to life insurance.

In review, the People Helping People Agency is a great opportunity for the right agent.
Those joining the PHP agency must have a desire to build an agency, and be completely confident in prospecting your warm market for sales and recruits.
However, if anything rubs you the wrong way, I’d recommend evaluating other insurance sales opportunities.
There are plenty of fish in the sea, and finding the right fit is paramount to your success.
Thank you so much for reading my article! I do hope you got value out of the content.
To continue your due diligence of the People Helping People agency opportunity, I have included a few more resources below to consider:
- Here’s the PHP Opportunity Brochure highlighting the benefits of working with the company.
- Negative reviews of the People Helping People Agency are found on Reddit, here on Yelp and here on YouTube.
- Positive reviews of PHP are found here on Indeed and here on YouTube.
- This article on explains the People Helping People Agency hierarchy system in great detail.
- Want to learn more about how to sell insurance with my national agency? Review how my sales and marketing systems work here. And read up on my many Agent Success Stories.

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023