Are you considering a career selling insurance with Nationwide?
If so, you’ve found the right article!
I’ll share what it’s like working with Nationwide Insurance as an unassociated insurance agent. Then, I’ll provide perspective on things like products, prospecting, and commissions.
My goal is to help you in your due diligence to determine if an insurance agent career with Nationwide Insurance truly makes sense for you.
Let’s begin!
NOTE: Check out my comprehensive insurance sales job opportunity review page for more details on other insurance sales career options.
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About Nationwide Insurance
While primarily an auto insurance company, Nationwide Insurance offers many packages that range from various auto, property, life, and specialty products.
Auto insurance
Nationwide Auto Insurance plans include options for On Your Side Auto Repair Network facilities that include written guarantees that your client’s repairs will be covered.
They also have access to On Your Side Claims Services, which reviews their coverage annually and helps them find multi-policy discounts and other savings, such as Nationwide’s SmartMiles and SmartRide programs.
They save clients money by varying charges based on usage.
Other vehicle insurance
Nationwide policies cover comprehensive liability coverage for many different types of vehicles so that no matter what they’re driving, they have access to customized protection coverage.
The vehicles covered include motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, boats and other watercraft, RVs and travel trailers, scooters, and golf carts.
Homeowners insurance
Nationwide homeowners insurance packages cover theft, lawsuits, fire damage, and weather damage.
Dwellings, other structures connected to houses like garages and sheds, personal property including furniture and appliances, and even loss of use when clients have to move out due to damages are all covered.
Condo and renter’s insurance
Condo association insurance doesn’t cover property.
Nationwide condo coverage gives clients protection for belongings, repairing damaged property, and gives clients discounts on their condo insurance.
This applies to renter’s insurance as well, which covers stolen or damaged property not covered by their renter’s building policy.
Flood insurance
Flood damage is not covered by any home insurance policy.
If a client lives in an area that could flood, Nationwide’s flood coverage gives them options to protect property and belongings in case of water damage.
Term life insurance
Term life insurance allows clients to choose the period over which the insurance will apply and the coverage amount.
Plans for tax-free payouts to loved ones include 10-, 15-, 20-, and 30-year plans and guaranteed level premiums for as long as they last.
Whole life insurance
A Nationwide whole life insurance policy is the most commonly bought product, which keeps premium payments level over a client’s lifetime and payable at the schedule they choose.
The plan lasts their whole life with a guaranteed fixed rate of interest on the value of the plan and tax-deferred accumulation.
Universal life insurance
A universal life insurance policy gives clients permanent protection and access to the cash value of the plan without worrying about taxes on the accumulation value.
This plan protects their family in case of unplanned death and can supplement retirement income with long-term, tax-free expense payments and death benefits.
Variable universal life insurance
Variable universal life insurance is a permanent policy that accumulates value over time.
The benefit is that Nationwide variable policies give clients options in terms of investments and money allocation so coverage accumulates value exactly the way they want it to.
Travel insurance
Nationwide travel insurance plans cover clients for single or multiple trips.
They protect clients from accidents, illnesses, changed cruise itineraries, stolen bags, and even canceled flights.
Personal umbrella insurance
Personal umbrella insurance covers clients for liabilities related to investments, cars, house, and wages if they’re in an auto accident or are injured on their property.
This coverage is an extra layer of protection for future earnings while an individual sorts out an accident claim or is unable to work.
Pet insurance
Nationwide offers pet health insurance for cats and dogs, as well as wellness protection and 90% coverage on veterinarian bills.
They offer coverage for prescriptions, accidents, chronic conditions, exams, flea preventions, vaccinations, surgeries, and more.
Other products
Nationwide also offers protection for identity theft, dental, special liability, wedding, and accident medical coverage.
How You Find Prospects
Marketing co-op matches through Nationwide giving you access to insurance leads and advertising strategies.
They also offer insurance sales training schools to help you refine your salesmanship.
Property and casualty insurance policies pay back a commission of 10-17% depending on the specific product.
They require that you sell a certain number of plans in the first 24 months to advance in the agency.
How to increase commissions
The commissions on permanent insurance coverage packages or additions to investment packages are higher than on renewals.
The length of time you spend with Nationwide will determine your commission percentages.
Is Nationwide insurance a scam/pyramid scheme/MLM?
Nationwide Insurance is one of the most reputable insurance companies on the market and is not considered a scam or insurance MLM.
My Thoughts
Now that you know a little more about what it’s like to work for Nationwide Insurance, I’d like to provide my perspective as an independent insurance agent who has been in the industry since 2011.
One Company Woes
While Nationwide is an excellent insurance company that helps many people, there is an intrinsic risk for any agent who only sells for one company.
And that is the high-probability of not being able to sell some prospects, thus resulting in less closed deals.
What do I mean?
When you sell for one company – Nationwide or any other company for that matter – you are limited to one option.
For example, Nationwide may not offer the best underwriting flexibility for some of your clients, nor have the most competitive premiums.
And those are cases where the client may refuse to buy, opting to do business with another insurance agency instead.
What’s the solution?
Consider selling insurance as an independent agent.
As an independent agent, you can represent a variety of insurance carriers, shopping multiple options to find quality coverage on good underwriting terms at competitive prices.
This results in you converting more prospects into more sold policies, thus potentially raising your profitability on new business commissions.
I’ve always sold as an independent agent. Any time I walk into a client’s house, I am able to review my list of carriers and offer the one that does the best job.
Maybe my client has a pre-existing health condition or has a limited budget. Either way, my access to a multitude of carrier options means a higher chance of getting my client the best deal.
Do You Own Your Book Of Business?
This is a very important consideration when thinking of joining Nationwide Insurance or any agency.
What happens if circumstances change with Nationwide? Perhaps you want to do business with another agency outside of Nationwide.
Do you continue getting paid on your renewal income? Can you contact your clients to offer them better coverage?
Ideally, you want to have as much access to your clients in addition to securing future commission payments on renewals regardless of your standing relationship with Nationwide.
In the business this is what we call being “vested.”
And here’s the thing… most agencies do not vest you 100% from the first day.
In fact, some NEVER vest you at all!
Point is this… make sure you ask your Nationwide recruiter how vesting works.
For me and many agents, not owning my book of business is a deal breaker, as the whole point of building an insurance book of business is for the future renewal income.

I hope you enjoyed this article on how an insurance agent career with Nationwide Insurance works.
And if you’re still doing your due diligence on what insurance product to sell, I invite you to check out what I have to offer.
I train new and experienced agents to become top producers in final expense, Medicare Advantage, and annuity sales.
If you’d like more information about how my organization works, click the link here.
Make sure to also check out my agent success stories as well as my best-selling insurance sales books.
Nationwide Insurance Website
Working For Nationwide Insurance – Reviews

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January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023