Want to generate high-quality mortgage protection leads?
If you are selling mortgage protection insurance and want the BEST mortgage insurance leads, you’re reading the right article!
Today, you’ll get a “deep-dive” review on your options for generating mortgage protection insurance leads.
If having quality… fresh… and EXCLUSIVE mortgage protection leads is something you REALLY want… then you’ll definitely want to stick around.
So, let’s get started… =)
NOTE: Are you an aspiring or new insurance agent looking for more insight on how the insurance sales industry works? Check out my free New Insurance Agent Resource Guide to help answer many of your questions (as well as ones you didn’t know you had!).
Direct Mail – The Premier Lead
If you’re like most insurance agents, you wonder what are the BEST mortgage protection leads to work.
Luckily, that’s an easy question to answer…
Bottom line, the BEST source for mortgage protection life insurance leads are via direct mail lead generation programs.
That’s right! Direct mail is KING in the mortgage protection insurance leads business.
Like selling other life insurance lines, mortgage protection direct mail leads drive the biggest percentage of new policy sales relative to the other types of leads available.
No matter if you work with multi-level marketing insurance agencies or boutique-style agencies like mine, direct mail is the most common form of lead generation mortgage protection agents use.
How Direct Mail Works
If you’re new, you probably wonder why direct mail mortgage protection insurance leads work so well.
Before we get into that, let’s do a basic rundown of how direct mail works.
How Mailers Are Generated
The power in mortgage protection direct mail leads is in the list of prospects targeted.
And it all starts when someone buys a new home with a home mortgage.
For example, each county requires mortgage holders to have their information on record at the local courthouse.
And in the effort to make even MORE money off of taxpayers, courthouses sell your mortgage information to whomever wants it.
This information is tremendously useful to us agents. We know their mortgage amount, what bank the mortgage is with, the purchase date, and so forth.
As with any marketing effort, the more information we have, the better the quality of the lead.
Within a few days, lead houses like the ones we work with purchase this information for agents interested in sourcing mortgage protection insurance leads.
The mail goes out and returns first class to enhance the turnaround speed.
Bottom line, good mail houses turn your mortgage protection insurance leads around within 2 to 3 weeks of ordering.
All Top Producers Use Direct Mail
One thing I’ve discovered is that the “heavy hitters” almost ALWAYS use fresh and exclusive mortgage protection direct mail leads.
They follow the same outline above, receiving 15, 20, or 25 mortgage insurance leads weekly to hit their weekly production goals.
This is how they do business. This is what keeps them in the business.
Ultimately, direct mail mortgage protection leads allow top producers to close LARGE amounts of premium, week after week.
The List Is Key
I can’t stress it enough…
Beyond getting mortgage protection direct mail leads that are exclusive AND fresh…
…The LIST is the BIGGEST reason why direct mail leads are so effective in selling mortgage life insurance.
Remember, people replying to your mailer are in a window of buying opportunity.
Recent home buyers literally JUST made the BIGGEST investment they’ve ever made.
Bottom line, buying a home is a very EMOTIONAL purchase.
And, along with that purchase comes the realization that suddenly dying would leave his family at risk of losing the home due to his loss of income.
And that fear is your opportunity!
Direct Mail Example
Now you know HOW direct mail mortgage insurance leads are generated, lets talk about WHAT a typical mortgage protection direct mail lead discusses in the mailer.
Example 1
What you’re looking at is a standard mortgage protection direct mail lead.
Included on the lead is:
- the mortgage holder’s name,
- mortgage filing date, and,
- lender and mortgage amount information.
Why do I like this mortgage protection insurance lead?
It’s very direct and benefit-laden. The lead discusses life insurance riders. Plus it sells the idea of owning life insurance to cover the mortgage.
Lastly, you’ll see the bottom portion of the lead is detachable. That’s what you’ll receive once the prospect mails it back.
Example 2
Let’s take a look at another direct mailer you can use.
While different from Example 1, it is conceptually identical.
Bottom line, both lead types work very well… as LONG as you get them fresh and exclusive.
Exclusive Versus Aged Mortgage Life Insurance Leads
Earlier, I referenced why both FRESH and EXCLUSIVE mortgage protection direct mail leads are vital to the full-time agent.
For the record, “fresh” mortgage protection insurance leads refers to getting leads that were JUST created within a few days ago (not months or years).
And “exclusive” means that your mortgage life insurance leads will NEVER be resold, or weren’t ALREADY resold BEFORE you took them.
Why are fresh and exclusive direct mail leads are crucial to your success?
First, fresh and exclusive mortgage protection direct mail leads provide a higher opportunity for sales conversion than older, shared leads.
Think about it.
Who do you think would have more interest in buying mortgage protection?
The person who JUST bought a home…
…Or the person who’s had 6 agents call on him in the past six months since he bought his home?
Hopefully, the difference is clear…!
Problem With Most Agency Lead Programs
While most everyone will agree that fresh direct mail mortgage protection insurance leads are the best, the truth is that most MLM-focused insurance agencies will NOT sell you these leads.
Instead… they sell you aged, already-worked leads!
Now don’t get me wrong.
I’m not saying you WON’T make sales with these mortgage insurance leads…
I’m saying the ODDS of sales are much LOWER than the higher-quality direct mail you could elsewhere.
The moral of the story?
You’ve GOT to get fresh and exclusive mortgage protection direct mail leads if you want to make the most of the mortgage protection business.
Fresh, exclusive mortgage insurance leads puts you in front of the BEST, most likely-to-buy prospects.
And THAT’S where any productive mortgage protection agent wants to spend ALL his time.
Because of how competitive this business is, you want to be the FIRST (not last) agent in the door.
And that means getting your mortgage protection life insurance leads as QUICKLY as possible.
Bottom line, aged, resold mortgage life insurance leads do NOT do this.
Instead, fresh and exclusive direct mail leads provides you the best opportunity to leverage the law of large numbers in your favor, maximizing the number of quality appointments you can set, each and every week.
Do Things Right!
If you want real success, you must do things RIGHT from the beginning.
A lot of people come into the business and short-change their what awesome results they could experience.
Because they’re afraid of the investment… and taking the RISK on themselves.
So they go the cheap route. And what’s BAD is that most agencies actually ENCOURAGE you along the cheap route for mortgage protection leads!
Direct Mail Cost Comparison
Let’s transition to discussing what to expect to pay for mortgage protection mailer leads.
There are 3 different price points for the mortgage protection leads I source for my agents.
Fixed Priced
Working in my agency, you have the opportunity to purchase fixed-price, fresh and exclusive mortgage protection direct mail leads.
Fixed pricing eliminates any response-rate risk you may experience. This allows you to control your lead costs, which is the biggest cost-driver of your business.
My fixed priced mortgage protection leads cost $53 a piece.
Depending on whether the agent sells part-time or full-time, the average agent will get 10 to 25 leads weekly.
Of the 3 direct mail programs available, fixed pricing for mortgage protection direct mail leads is my preferred choice.
Reach out to me here if you’d like to learn more about how you can take advantage of the program.
Per-Thousand Mailers
If your requested area is not available for fixed pricing mortgage insurance leads, I have access to vendors that will drop leads on a per thousand basis.
This means the mail house charges somewhere between $650 to $690 to drop 1,000 mailers.
For this type of mailing program, no guarantees on response rates exist. But most mortgage protection mailer campaigns return 1% to 1.5%.
Otherwise, these mortgage protection insurance leads perform in the same way as the fixed price leads.
For example, we mail people who bought their home in the past 7 days.
Additionally, if you need more lead opportunity than your area allows, you can mail new home purchases completed over the past 90 days.
This is a good way to get extra mortgage protection leads in an area, especially in lower population areas.
As of March 2019, rates for these mailers range between $525 and $560 per thousand. Response rates range between 1% and 1.5%.
Final Thoughts On Direct Mail
Remember, mortgage protection leads have much higher conversion opportunity than other life insurance products.
Even though lead pricing is higher than leads used selling final expense or selling Medicare Advantage, most agents sell a higher percentage of their mortgage protection leads. Plus, first-year commission payouts are higher.
Internet Leads
Direct mail is not the only source for mortgage protection prospects.
Let’s talk about online mortgage protection lead generation tactics.
If you can design Facebook ads, Facebook has the option for ads to display to new home owners.
This means you can take an ad that performs well via direct mail and adapt it to Facebook to generate more mortgage protection leads.
Alternatively, if you’d prefer not to fool with learning how to generate leads, we can help you with a per-lead source.
Our agents have access to Facebook-generated mortgage protection leads on a fixed-price basis.
Depending on where the lead is generated, costs range between $40 and $50 a piece.
If interested in learning more, reach out to me here.
Free Mortgage Insurance Leads
What if you’re broke and need free mortgage protection leads?
No worries!
Lucky for you, there are 3 different ways to get cost-free or almost-cost free mortgage protection insurance leads.
It requires a little “sweat equity,” but that’s what it takes sometimes!
Let’s start with our first free lead source…
County Courthouse
If you recall, when someone purchases a new home and takes out a mortgage, it’s filed at the county courthouse in the public record.
And for little to no cost, you can gain access to the very same information that mailers and Facebook uses to advertise!
How To Do It
Here’s how you do it.
First, look for the deed section.
If you get there and are unsure as to where it’s located, ask employees where the courthouse stores mortgage information.
In some cases, the mortgage information is freely available.
Other times you’ll have to pay a small fee per page, or a monthly subscription fee to access unlimited information.
Some courthouses even have this information online, eliminating the need to visit.
How To Use The Information
Simply put, you take a list of new mortgage filings (these are your mortgage protection insurance leads) and pay a personal visit to each, asking for an appointment on the spot.
Now, this may sound like cold calling to you, but it’s WAY better.
Because you gathered so much IMPORTANT information on our prospect that it equates to a higher appointment conversion rate relative to the standard cold call approach.
The Script
Here’s the script I recommend when canvassing a new mortgage list created at the courthouse:
“Hi, you’re Mr. Jones, right?
My name is David Duford and the reason I’m here today is because I just got notification of your new home purchase and wanted to congratulate you and also share with you a special program I offer that pays your mortgage off entirely if you or your spouse passes away.
All I need is 5 minutes to show you how it works, and whatever you do with the information is up to you. Is now a good time or would tomorrow at 6PM work better?”
I talked to one agent using this strategy with much success.
It takes him 4 contacts to book one appointment.
And out of every 2 appointments, he makes 1 sale on average.
Let’s do the math on this…
In other words, it takes him 8 door knocks to make 1 sale.
And if his average commission is $800, this means that each door knock is worth $100!
Those are sick numbers, alright! And not too shabby whatsoever for a lead system that requires virtually zero investment.
What’s the biggest drawback to this approach?
These are cold approaches.
You do not know these people, nor know if they have any interest prior to calling on them.
But here’s the thing… these folks WILL get mortgage mailers.
So they WILL have a “top of mind” awareness about getting life insurance to cover the mortgage.
My point is this.
While you’re approaching them cold, it’s not REALLY that cold of an approach.
They’re getting piles of mortgage protection mailers already.
And it’s likely the worry of losing the home to foreclosure if either spouse passes away has crossed their minds.
Referral Relationships
You can also generate mortgage protection leads from referral relationships with other members of your community.
My favorite referral generation sources for mortgage protection are from other vendors that focus their prospecting efforts on folks who recently bought a new home.
As mentioned earlier, recent home buyers are in an elevated state of consumerism.
Figuratively speaking, their wallets are WIDE open.
New furniture, new electronics, etc… new home owners are in a buying frenzy.
My point is… if you can develop relationships with vendors who actively serve the SAME market as you, you can develop LOTS of great referral sources.
Examples Of Referral Relationships
Let’s discuss some of the best options to generate free mortgage protection leads on a referral basis.
Your realtor or friends who are realtors make great referral relationships.
They know who’s buying BEFORE your competition knows.
Plus, they can provide detailed information about their clients that you can use to convert more referrals into appointments.
Networking Events
Consider joining a local BNI chapter.
BNI groups meet once a week, and focus on helping everyone develop referrals.
Naturally, the best way for you to get referrals is to GIVE referrals first, so make sure you’re there to give first.
Giving is reciprocal. Whenever you give a gift, the recipient feels obligated to return the favor.
So, think of ways that you can give referrals and trust that in the long-term you’ll receive WAY more in return.
Speaking Engagement
My favorite free mortgage protection lead generation tactic is scheduling short, 20-minute educational seminars with local groups to discuss insurance-related topics.
Here’s how it works…
You give short yet informative talks on topics related to mortgage protection life insurance.
What you’ll find that these short speeches are extremely powerful in creating high-quality, free mortgage protection leads.
First, there’s little to no cost to giving educational talks.
Second, since you are perceived as the expert, you’ll develop high-quality mortgage insurance leads from the audience and from people they refer to you.
And who here doesn’t love free, high-quality mortgage protection leads?
What To Speak About
My suggested strategy is to generalize your talks.
Present interesting facts and figures about life insurance that would interest people, but not bore them to death.
And definitely DO NOT SELL. Just educate!
Trust me, you’ll get plenty of mortgage protection insurance leads this way =).
Advantages Of Speaking
The biggest advantage to giving educational talks is literally NO ONE is doing it!
Rest assured… most people are DEATHLY afraid of public speaking, more so than dying!
And this mental barrier is your opportunity!
Bottom line, you’re in a league of your own.
You will eliminate much of the competition you’d experience in other life insurance lead generation systems.
Plus you’ll find that booking educational speaking engagements is easier than you’d think.
Where To Find Speaking Opportunities
Speaking opportunities are abundant!
Literally ANY regular group meeting in your town is a prime target.
For example, you can target Kiwanis Club or Rotary Club meetings.
Many churches have small group meetings for women, recently married, widows, and so on.
What about support groups?
There are all sorts of support groups that meet locally for weight-loss and disease-related support groups.
What’s great is that many of these group meetings become boring, and speaking on an interesting topic breaks up the monotony.
Speaking Tips
Let me give you some tips on giving a highly-effective speaking event.
So you know I have extensive speaking experience myself, I used to give seminars to sell insurance. I offer a program to help agents give educational seminars to sell final expense, mortgage protection, and other insurance products.
Educational And Helpful
Above all else, be helpful!
Provide an educational experience for your audience. Resist the urge to pitch and sell from the podium.
By presenting useful information, you’ll generate plenty of mortgage protection leads.
For example, talk about the reality of why people lose their homes.
Discuss how disability and death causes home loss, foreclosure, and bankruptcy.
Talk about death and what happens to families when a spouse or parent dies.
Use Google to find an endless supply of first-hand stories to share with your audience.
Good Reasons To Use Speaking Events To Generate Mortgage Protection Leads
“The best things in life are free!”
Seminars cost little to nothing to hold, meaning it’s very easy to get up and running.
If you were to hold only 2 or 3 seminars weekly, I’m sure you’d generate plenty of quality mortgage protection leads, and sell enough to make a good living.
And since speaking publicly repulses most, this means you have little to no competition for booking speaking engagements and for clients you generate from the speaking engagements.
Beyond having to speak publicly (if you’re fearful), the only con is not being able to control the size of the audience.
Your seminar may have dozens of attendees. Or you may have none.
I’ve certainly run the gamut myself, having as many as 50 people show up, and doing seminars multiple times where nobody shows.
Bottom line, prospecting with seminars is a numbers game.
You want BOTH consistency in lead generation, and consistency in creating new clients.
And that requires at minimum 2 to 3 seminars weekly.
What If I’m A New Agent?
You may feel you cannot hold speaking engagements until you cultivated personal experience in the business.
I’m here to tell you you’re 100% wrong!
The fact that you’re a licensed life insurance agent qualifies you as an expert.
You may not feel it, but relative to the general public, you are.
Which brings me to my point.
Expertise is a relative definition. Which means you should have no qualms doing educational seminars about life insurance, even if you’re a newly licensed life insurance agent.
The point is you have to change your belief patterns on this.
Realize that it is your mindset that’s holding you back from engaging in a helpful and profitable prospecting endeavor.
Final Thoughts
Here are some concluding thoughts on mortgage protection leads.
Direct Mail Is King!
The bottom line is the top agents generate the bulk of their mortgage protection insurance leads via direct mail on a fresh and exclusive basis.
It’s rare that you see any differentiation at the top levels of production.
Naturally, they cultivate referrals. But direct mail mortgage protection leads are the primary driver of their new business production.
“If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It!”
If you were interested in becoming a top mortgage protection agent, my advice would be to duplicate what already works.
And recruiting and personally training agents since 2013, there’s no doubt that top producers all follow what they’re instructed to do with lead generation.
Why try to reinvent the wheel, right? Just do what others have PROVEN to work!
And in mortgage protection sales, direct mail lead generation provides the best avenue and highest odds of success.
Avoid cheapening your results
Perhaps you’re thinking about starting with a cheaper lead type.
Maybe you want to buy aged mortgage protection direct mail leads, or some other type of mailer that’s inexpensive.
You’re afraid of taking the financial risk of several thousand dollars in mortgage insurance leads in play.
While I understand your concern, I also KNOW from first-hand experience that you’re VASTLY lowering your odds of success.
In fact, I have recently restricted my recruitment of agents to only those willing to buy fresh and exclusive direct mail mortgage protection life insurance leads.
This is for BOTH my sake and the agent’s.
They avoid wasting money on a much lower-odds lead. Plus, I don’t have to try to convince them that “a lead is a lead,” even if the “lead” has been worked a half-dozen times over the past year.
It’s An Investment
Here’s the proper perspective.
Buying direct mail mortgage protection leads is not an expense.
Many newbies to the mortgage protection sales business see the price tag on mortgage mailers and recoil at the price, thinking it’s a high *cost*.
That’s the wrong mentality to have about one of the most crucial components to your business.
All businesses have operating costs and investments necessary to operate.
For example, before restaurants experience a profit, they must purchase quality food and hire staff in advance.
Sure, the upfront cost are high.
But would you rather a restaurant skimp on buying quality food, or hire poor service, because the “cost” is too high?
So why do that in your mortgage protection business?
Perhaps you like the idea of selling insurance, but are worried about failing, since more than 90% of agents fail out within the first 12 months.
How do you minimize your chances of failure?
Here’s my advice:
- Buy fresh mortgage protection direct mail leads on a recurring basis. Insurance is a numbers game. Meaning you need new people to see each week. So buy fresh and exclusive direct mail leads and set the order up to recur on an automatic basis. So many issues selling are resolved when you have a plentiful supply of mortgage insurance leads.
- Work with a mentor. Work with someone who has hand-to-hand combat experience.You want an agency that actually has SOLD insurance, NOT an agency that where your upline manager focuses solely on recruiting and NEVER has sold the first policy.
- Maximize commissions. This is a common problem in the mortgage protection business.Most agencies focus on recruiting, building large downline and minimizing your ability to maximize your commissions.New agents should start around the 100% first-year commission range, and quickly move higher based on production.
The good news is that mortgage protection sales does not require nearly as large of an investment as most other businesses.
Plus, you have the opportunity to realistically break even and profit a multiple of your mortgage protection leads within your first 30 to 45 days of selling.
Expanding on that thought, if sincerely give mortgage protection an honest college-try and cannot break even in your first month, that’s your sign this business isn’t for you.
This assumes you have access to all 3 pointers above – fresh direct mail, working with a mentor, and maximized commissions.
Next Steps
Interested in learning more about how I can help get access to affordable fresh and exclusive mortgage protection direct mail leads?
Here’s what to do.
Go here to learn in detail about how my new and experienced mortgage protection agent program works.
My focus is helping agents interested in becoming top-producing mortgage protection agents.
See my many Agent Success Stories for more details.
I supply them with fresh and exclusive direct mail mortgage protection leads, top insurance carriers, and excellent commission levels without the typical Kool-aid drinking “rah-rah” stuff predominant in the business.
Plus, you get access to me on a 1-on-1 basis, anytime you need help with ANYTHING. Sales questions, carrier questions, anything!
My aim is to serve YOU to help you succeed in selling mortgage protection.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks for reading!

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023