Cover - Happy Agent Leads Review

Happy Agent Leads Review

By David Duford - January 03, 2023 - 5 Mins Read

Are you interested in buying life insurance leads from Happy Agent Leads?

If you are selling final expense insurance and are looking for more information on Happy Agent Leads’ Facebook final expense leads, then you’re at the right website!

In today’s review, I review how Happy Agent Leads works, giving you information on lead costs, and what to expect from buying Happy Agents Leads leads.

Let’s get started!

NOTE: If you’re new or experienced, also make sure you check out my best final expense carriers article to access information about the top companies available to agents.

About Happy Agent Leads

Happy Agent Leads focuses on generating final expense leads for both agents selling face-to-face as well as those interested in final expense telesales.


How Happy Agent Leads Are Different

Here’s a few points of differentiation Happy Agent Leads claims make its leads better:

Never Says “FREE”

Happy Agent Leads never uses the word “free” in its final expense Facebook leads.

As someone with long-time experience working various insurance leads like direct mail final expense leads, the quality of response drops precipitously when you insert “greed gland” words like “free,” “state-regulated,” etc.

So it’s good news to hear Happy Agent Leads does NOT push “free” in its advertising, as many Facebook FE leads do.

Option For Pre-Set Appointments

Happy Agent Leads has an option for your prospects not just to request more information in the form of a lead, but also to schedule a call on your calendar with you, the agent.

Happy Agent Leads claims that agents on average receive 20% to 30% pre-booked appointments.

That’s very nice =).

I’ve used final expense appointment setters for years. There’s nothing quite like having your day pre-planned with interested final expense prospects.

Fast Turnaround

Turn-around on Happy Agent Leads averages between 12 hours and 4 days.

The vast majority of orders are fulfilled in 5 days. This largely depends on the area you’re targeting and when you place the order.

This turn-around time is very fast, even for a Facebook final expense lead.

Especially when compared to final expense telemarketing leads that take 7 to 10 days, or direct mail leads that take closer to 25 to 30 days.

Happy Agent Leads FAQ

How big is my marketing area?

If you are a face-to-face agent, expect your leads to come in between a 25- and 50-mile radius around the specified center-point you give.

This is typical of most Facebook leads in my experience.

What’s the age range of the leads?

Predominantly 50 to 79, although agents will receive leads up to 85 years old.

What is the lead replacement policy?

Any lead produced outside of the 50 mile radius or outside the 50-85 age range is eligible for replacement.

Are Happy Agent Leads exclusive or do they resell my lead?

No, they are 100% exclusive to the agent.

What are the costs per lead?

There are 3 different types of leads Happy Agent Leads offers for sale:

Essential Local

$24/lead. Includes name, phone, email, address, date of birth and year born, and a security question to jog your prospect’s memory when you call or drop in.


$30/lead. Includes all the same info that the Essential lead provides, in addition to current coverage, coverage amount requested, and desired beneficiary.

Also, Pro leads received a personalized text to create trust and urgency, as well as a 7-day trust-building educational email sequence done-for-you.

Essential Statewide

$12/lead. Must target the entire state. Otherwise, exactly the same as Essential Local lead.

How do I purchase the leads?

Go to Happy Agent Leads website, scroll down, and you’ll see where you can place your lead order.


I hope you enjoyed my review of Happy Agent Leads Facebook FE program.

Definitely give them a shot if you’re looking for a new Facebook final expense lead vendor.

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