Selling Medicare With Duford Insurance Group!
- Superior product and sales training opportunities from industry veteran Luis Moreno
- Face-to-face or telesales agents accepted
- Access to high-quality direct mail and digital leads
- Generous cash lead subsidy program available
Frequently Asked Questions Selling Medicare With Duford Insurance Group
How Does Medicare Advantage Work?
Medicare Advantage are private-sector health insurance plans that take the place of Original Medicare.
The number of people with Medicare Advantage plans has doubled from 10.5 million in 2019 to 22 million in 2019.
Medicare Advantage “rearranges” Original Medicare benefits in a way that may better suit its policyholders. For example, Medicare Advantage policyholders enjoy low monthly premiums, low co-pays, low prescription costs, and strong physician networks.
At Duford Insurance Group, we target the year-round “Special Election Period” market. This market consists of low-income seniors who qualify switching out their Medicare Advantage plans at any time during the year, given they qualify due to a special election.
Of course, we work hard to target Annual Election Period and Open Enrollment Period prospects, as well!
Who Is Our Target Market For Medicare Policy Sales?
Our target market for Medicare sales is the Senior Citizen/Baby Boomer demographic.
Roughly, this refers to people 50 and older who have low to moderate levels of income. The vast majority of our market is either:
- Disabled and cannot work, or,
- Retired and chooses not to work.
We love this demographic because of its long-term fundamental strengths, and believe there exists decades of sales opportunity for agents who commit to it.
Some benefits of the Senior Citizen/Baby Boomer market include:
- 11,000 people turn 65 each DAY between 2020 and 2030.
- The 65 and older population will increase 50% from 2020 to 2040 (from approximately 50 million to 75 million).
- Social Security pays our prospects no matter what the economy does, providing sales opportunities to prospects with less income sensitivity compared to working people.
- Medicare supplemental insurance companies invest millions upon millions of dollars to promote purchasing Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement policies, which conditions Medicare recipients into thinking buying an additional Medicare policy is a must-have purchase.
- Social Security and Medicare are political third rails. Few politicians will risk their careers attempting to reform either program as voters in older age brackets will vote them out if either program is even threatened.
We believe this is an under-served, highly lucrative market, of which we use our proprietary sales and marketing system to target.
Which Insurance Carriers Do We Offer?
Since DIG is an independent broker, we offer a variety of insurance carriers for agents to select from.
Most agents start with:
- Humana
- Aetna
- Cigna
- United Healthcare
However, we have access to dozens more national and regional Medicare providers, and have the capability to contract them with you.
How Is Duford Insurance Group Different From Other Agencies and IMOs Offering Medicare Sales Opportunities?
Duford Insurance Group is unique relative to other Medicare sales opportunities for the following reasons:
1. Belief In The Independent Model Of Insurance Sales
We teach agents to sell multiple insurance carriers as opposed to a single carrier.
More carriers means more options, providing us better opportunities to help our clients with better quality of coverage.
2. Producer-Oriented, Not Recruitment-Oriented
Bottom line, DIG is NOT an insurance multi-level marketing company.
Our passion is in training you on the craft of SELLING Medicare policies, and not recruiting agents.
Not to say we do not support agents recruiting (we do, agents need experience selling first), but our focus is on developing you into an insurance sales machine above all else.
3. Designed For The Entrepreneurial Agent
Duford Insurance Group is not right for everyone.
To succeed, you must possess higher levels of self-responsibility and self-discipline than the average agent.
You MUST be a self-starter. This is NOT a babysitting, micromanaging agency. You truly run your own insurance sales business and are treated as an independent business owner.
4. Top Commissions
Since DIG is not an MLM agency with 10 people between you and the top of the company feeding off your production, DIG is able to extend more commission to its agents than the vast majority of its competition (continue reading to get specific commission levels for various final expense products).
This means agents are actually paid VERY good commissions relative to most agencies with the ability to grow commission rates with production history. Specifics on commission levels are discussed further below on this FAQ page.
5. Top Quality Leads
DIG has relationships with top-quality Medicare lead vendors, connecting you to lead providers already proven to work.
Our preference are for vendors that sell you EXCLUSIVE and FRESH leads, not old and resold. This means fresher leads with more interest in buying. More specifics on how our lead generation strategies below.
6. A Fair And Balanced Agent-Agency Relationship
DIG founder David Duford knows exactly what it’s like as an agent. And the last thing he wants is to screw you over like so many other agencies do.
As an agent with DIG, we promise to do the following:
- Release upon request as long as you do not owe chargeback money.
- Fully vested 100% from the first day. You own your own book of business and continue to get paid into the future no matter your long-term working arrangements with DIG.
- You are paid directly from the insurance company.
7. Support For BOTH Face-To-Face And Telesales Agents
Whether you want to sell Medicare face-to-face or over the phone, Duford Insurance Group can help!
We have many agents successfully selling in both and can teach you the inner workings of which ever you choose is best-suited for your goals.
I’m Currently Contracted With Medicare Carriers Elsewhere. What Do I Do?
Do you Medicare Advantage carriers you want to move to Duford Insurance Group?
If so, there’s two ways you can do so:
- Request a release from your current Medicare Advantage agency (this is the easiest and quickest method).
- If the agency will NOT release you, you will have to request a home office release. Please read through our instructions on how to do that for the major carriers here.
What Kind Of Results Do Duford Insurance Group Medicare Agents Get?
While results vary, we have documented dozens of success stories on agents:
- Selling Medicare face-to-face, and,
- Selling Medicare over the phone.
Scroll down to the Testimonials and Case Study section for examples of successul DIG Medicare agents.
Your success is our primary directive, and we want you to know many have come before you who have experienced success.
How Does Onboarding Work For Medicare Agents New To DIG?
The standard on-boarding process for agents new to Medicare involves the following:
- If you have not already, test for both your life and health insurance license. This takes 2-3 weeks for the average person to complete.
- Study and take your federally-required AHIP test to compliantly represent Medicare Advantage carriers. This takes 1-2 weeks to complete. Please click here purchase the AHIP testing and to get a $50 discount off at checkout.
- Request appointments through DIG for our recommended Medicare Advantage carriers and become sales-ready. This takes 1 to 2 weeks to complete.
All in all, you’re looking at a 4 to 6 week onboarding process from getting licensed to being sales ready. Having your insurance licenses or AHIP significantly cuts down on this process.
After you’re Medicare contracts are approved, you’ll have access to every imaginable resource to help you learn the craft of selling insurance, including classroom modules designed by our best Medicare producers and trainers, 2 live ZOOM-based conferences weekly, detailed sales and prospecting scripts, leads, and more.
How Has Covid-19, Recessions/Depressions Affected Selling The Senior Citizen/Baby Boomer Market?
Believe it or not, little to none!
In fact, some agents’ sales results have only improved since the Covid-19 pandemic began.
Here’s a few reasons why pandemics, recessions, and Depressions have less impact in our market than others:
- Guaranteed Income. Almost all our clients receive Social Security income payments. The US Government has never been late paying Social Security at any time since its inception nearly 100 years ago. And this means when the economy goes bad and workers lose their jobs, our prospects continue to get paid, on time and without reduction. This translates into a business model with less swings up and down and more consistency.
- Gaps In Medicare Coverage. When a senior turns 65 and starts Medicare, most feel additional coverage is necessary to fill the gaps in their coverage. And naturally, being older and closer to life’s end, there is more concern (especially as we’ve seen during the pandemic) about having quality health insurance coverage than in earlier years.
- Business Model Flexibility. For Medicare, we can successfully sell either face-to-face or over the phone. If there is some sort of lockdown or restrictions face-to-face, it is within reason to sell over the phone with similar success.
What Kind Of Experience Is required To Join Duford Insurance Group To Sell Medicare Products?
First, if you are a NEWLY licensed insurance agent, we welcome you to consider joining DIG.
In fact, David Duford has always focused on recruiting and training new agents into top producers.
Experienced agents are welcome, too =).
Other than that, pedigree, resumes, and work history DO NOT MATTER.
All we care about is the following:
- Coachability
- Humility
- Focus
- An appetite for action
- Ability and willingness to invest in leads
- A can-do attitude
- Not a whiner/complainer
- Passion for helping people
- Significant work-ethic
If you possess these traits, it’s likely Duford Insurance Group is a perfect fit, no matter your work history.
All About Medicare Commissions
How Does Compensation Work?
Medicare commission varies by what type of product you sell, either Medicare Advantage or Medicare supplements.
Since most of our work in the Medicare sales and marketing space centers around the Medicare Advantage sale, we’re going to spend more time discussing how Medicare Advantage commission works in detail, while also briefly describing how Medicare supplement commission works.
Also, we’ll explain both the agent commission levels, as well as the agency commissions too.
Medicare Advantage Commissions FAQ
Medicare Advantage commission levels are set by CMS, which regulates Medicare and commissions for Medicare Advantage agents.
We offer the maximal allowable amount of commissions that the government approves of to each of our agents who enroll, no matter what kind of lead programs they do. You’ll see a full detailed analysis of Medicare Advantage commission if you scroll down further.
Medicare pays an upfront commission, as well as a lifetime renewal for Medicare Advantage. For Medicare renewals for Medicare Advantage first year commissions on replacements, you will be paid a prorated commission based off of the renewal rate that you would receive.
For aspiring agency owners, total agency production plus agent recruitment drives the ability to increase commission levels.
For the sake of protecting the information the carriers require us of, we’ve not revealed specific commission levels and production requirements for each specific carrier, but we’re happy to disclose those over a conversation.
Medicare Supplement Commissions FAQ
Generally speaking, Medicare supplements pay a residual in the 18 to 20% commission range years one through six of the policy.
This comes around 250 to $300 a year for six years. Keep in mind, however, that certain states don’t pay this six year residual stream, with some states paying higher or some states paying lower.
Again, because our focus is on Medicare Advantage, we’re not going to write too many Medicare supplements with probably one out of every 10 to 20 deals closed in the Medicare space being Medicare Supplement.
Lastly, we do have Medicare Supplement agency contracts available too to support you if your aspirations are to build an agency.
This tells our contracting people what your commission levels are, and alerts them to begin submitting your producer contracts to each carrier.
Commission Grids
For Medicare Advantage commissions, see the grid below:
All About Medicare Leads
How Do Medicare Leads Work With DIG?
Leads are the lifeblood of your insurance sales business and are an absolute requirement for you to invest in joining Duford Insurance Group.
Without leads an agent has no business and no way to succeed.
Here’s a breakdown on what to expect with insurance leads partnering with DIG:
- DIG doesn’t sell leads. We make recommendations to quality third-party lead vendors proven to work for other agents. DIG does NOT make affiliate commissions for these recommendations. This is NOT the case with most insurance agencies as lead sales is another income stream for the agency, which may cloud their recommendation as the agency is posed for profit on the sale of the leads, regardless of whether or not they are quality.
- How many leads should I get? For part-time agents, we recommend 20 direct mail leads weekly. For full time, 25 to 50+. The large range depends on lead type and whether not you’re selling face-to-face or over the phone.
- What can I expect to pay for leads? Roughly, we ask DIG agents to commit to investing $750 to $1000 weekly in one of our lead recommendations. If you need funding for leads, check out Fundwise to apply for a line of credit to invest in leads. Also, we’ll discuss lead subsidy options below that will greatly reduce or eliminate your lead costs, so keep reading…
- What type of leads does DIG recommend? 95%+ of our successful agents simply purchasing a recurring order of fixed-price direct mail leads. These are high-quality leads that do an incredible job of putting you in front of high-intent prospects. A small percentage of agents use Facebook-generated Medicare leads or self-generate their own through seminars and referrals.
- How long does it take to become profitable? Most agents who do well will see success within the first week or two in the field, selling enough policies to cover their investment and profit. It is HIGHLY likely you’ll experience profitability between the first 4 and 6 weeks of selling, which is why for new agents we ask you to give this business at LEAST a month to determine if it’s right for you or not.
- I can’t afford the weekly lead investment, are there other options? Beyond doing seminar marketing, no. However, get creative. While not right for everyone, consider borrowing money from family. Do you have a credit line you can utilize? Have you considered contacting Fundwise to apply for a line of credit? Do you have collectables you can sell? We’ve seen very successful agents (including David Duford) choose to finance leads in this manner, and without making one of these tough choices, never would have made it long-term.
Having a lead system in place is imperative to having success in selling Medicare products.
At Duford Insurance Group, we’re no different. We’re big advocates of putting into place a lead system that brings you predictable, highly qualified prospects that are interested in doing business with you.
Here’s How We Approach Generating Quality Medicare Advantage Leads…
Direct Mail Leads
Direct mail is our flagship Medicare lead generation system.
These leads are fresh and exclusive and specifically target either the special election period market or the turning 65 year old market.
Our preference is for agents to target the special election period market, as that is a year round sales opportunity with lots of opportunity and less pressure or competition than other Medicare based markets.
Direct mail is king, provides the best quality leads, and for most of our top producers, they use a direct mail lead generation system just as we’ve described here. And that’s our firm recommendation for all of our agents, whether they decide to do telesales or face to face.
Facebook and digital leads
We also have access to lower price digital and Facebook leads.
While these leads are quick turn leads, they tend to be lower in quality compared to direct mail and are predominantly recommended when you need leads fast or you’re getting started and want to use a “practice lead”.
ATTENTION: Required $500 Refundable Lead Deposit
We require most (not all) agents to pay a $500 refundable deposit fee towards leads. This deposit is refunded as long as you:
- (a) buy leads within 60 days of joining DIG to sell Medicare, or,
- (b) sell a policy through Duford Insurance Group within 45 days of paying the deposit.
Experienced agents with a recent history of buying leads are an exception to this requirement. You’ll be requested to send in evidence of a recent lead purchase to bypass this requirement.
Here’s why we require this refundable deposit:
- Medicare sales REQUIRES you to buy leads. If you are uninterested or cannot buy leads, our agency is NOT a good fit, and we’d rather not waste our time training you if you cannot take what you learn and apply it.
- Putting your money where your mouth is is both a risk and a motivator. Truth is, when you have something to lose, you try harder and take action faster. And these are the key components new agents need to succeed – a lead of faith in themselves AND the ability to decisively take action without delay.
How Our Optional Medicare Lead Subsidy Program Works
In addition to providing a fixed price lead program for our Medicare agents, we also offer an optional lead subsidy program to help offset the higher costs of doing business in the Medicare space. Here’s how it works...
For every Medicare Advantage sale you make, we credit $75 into your future lead purchases to deduct the overall cost of your weekly lead purchase.
The Medicare plan has to go into effect, and once it does, we apply the lead subsidy from prior sales to the future cost of leads.
With enough production, you’ll greatly reduce, if not completely eliminate, your cost associated with doing business, making the Medicare space much more lucrative and higher cash flow than without this lead subsidy.
What’s the catch?
As always, there are some conditions to doing this optional program, and at the creation of this FAQ section, we require an agent to be committed to Duford Insurance Group for no less than five years to do all of their Medicare business with us.
The reason we ask this is because we must financially invest in you through the lead subsidies for a number of years before breaking even. So it only makes sense for us to require a longer term commitment in order to make sure our investment in you pans out.
Bottom line, we’re investing in and we ask that you invest back in us in the form of time and building your Medicare business through Duford Insurance Group.
To stress, this program is optional. You can join our agency, have all the benefits of training and the highest commission levels without the requirement of doing the lead subsidy, as well as having access to our fixed price lead program, without having to do the lead subsidy.
So understand you don’t have to make the decision to do this today. It will be available as far as we can see into the foreseeable future. If it’s something that you decide to do ultimately, the opportunity always stands.
Carrier-Sponsored Subsidies For Leads
One of exciting factors building in the Medicare space is a recognition that carriers need agents selling and retaining Medicare Advantage business.
Carriers historically over the past five years have put extra money into call centers to acquire clients, but as studies and stock reports have shown, the ability to retain that business has fared terribly.
The conclusion many carriers are arriving the realization that the agent on an individual basis is imperative not only in the acquisition of clients, but also in the retention of clients, too.
The outcome of this realization is that more and more carriers are going to put more and more money into the hands of agents to help support their marketing efforts and retention of business. Agents are once-again becoming valued partners along with the carriers in running successful Medicare business and helping the carrier stay profitable.
The reason I’m mentioning this is because you can expect more carriers to offer good producers money, lead subsidies, co-ops and stipends to offset their expenses to doing business in exchange for dedicating a portion of their business in Medicare Advantage sales to that particular carrier.
We have numerous agents who have additional lead subsidies and stipends to help make this business more financially manageable that are doing business in a brokerage environment.
So as an added benefit, we’ll help you get set up with these abilities to leverage the carrier’s resources, to offset your cost, in addition to our subsidy program.
What Previous Career Paths Work Well With Selling Medicare Policies?
Literally, everything and anything.
We do not recruit on work experience, instead focusing on character first and foremost.
Do I Need A license? If So, What Kind?
Yes! You do need to get licensed to sell insurance.
Here’s a breakdown on what’s necessary for each type of product we offer:
- First, you need a health and accident license. We recommend also testing for the life license, too.
- Second, you’ll need to take the AHIP Medicare Training test to sell Medicare Advantage products.
Click this link to get more specific directions on how to get your insurance license, and where to get pre-licensing started.
NOTE: Get $150 off of your pre-licensing exam for life and health here.
Expect this process of licensing to take 2 to 3 weeks for the average person.
Need AHIP? Please click the link here to enroll and save $50 at checkout.
What Are The Expected Costs Of Licensing?
Expect to invest somewhere between $200 to $400 to become a licensed insurance agent.
This number consists of paying for pre-licensing, testing, finger-printing, and background checking.
Average Income Of A Producing Agent?
We hate to say it, but understand most insurance agents fail within their first 12 months of getting started. So average incomes aren’t that great.
However, for those that follow our system and work hard, we believe a first-year income of $50,000 to $75,000 is possible selling Medicare, with the definite possibility of earning $100,000 to $200,000 in income between the third and fifth year of selling Medicare.
For Medicare sales, since the product is renewal-driven, the first few years pays less income than other products like final expense. However, with consistent sales for the first 5 years, many times Medicare commissions far exceed final expense commissions.
For example, it is conceivable for an agent to have 1,000 Medicare Advantage clients in 3 to 5 years, which would pay $270,000 each year FOR LIFE, as long as the clients stay on the books.
Is This MLM, Pyramid Scheme?
NO, this is NOT a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme. You NEVER have to:
- Recruit other agents
- Sell your friends and family, or
- Attend annoying Kool-aid rah-rah conferences.
If anything, the Duford Insurance Group is the “anti-MLM” agency.
Can I Recruit From Day 1?
No. While recruiting is great, it does not make sense until you’ve developed “street cred.”
We recommend 6 to 12 months of consistent success selling insurance before recruiting.
Newly recruited agents require your attention and wisdom, and if you cannot provide it, they will understandably leave.
However, if you have existing experience selling insurance when you join DIG, then recruiting is OK.
How Does Residual Income Work?
Medicare Advantage policies – our primary Medicare plan sold – pays lifetime residual income, as long as the policy remains effective.
For example, if you have 1000 policies in effect, your annual renewal income for life is $301,000! And that would pay out that much EACH year!
Of course, prospects die and switch plans, but you’ll continue to receive referrals and find new business. Plus, in Medicare, you want to spend time really taking care of your clients, so they stick around for a long time =)
Hours In The Field Weekly?
We want you working as much as possible.
Selling our products is primarily a game of numbers, meaning the more time in the field with prospects, the more likely you’ll make sales.
Nevertheless, this is YOUR insurance sales business, so you have full discretion over how many hours daily and days weekly you want to work.
David Duford’s recommendations are for full-time agents new to Medicare to work 5 to 6 days with a few of those days late nights, and part-time agents to work multiple days during the week and all-day Saturday.
Do You Work With Part-time Agents?
Yes! DIG founder David Duford started selling final expense part-time in 2011.
Part-time DEFINITELY works, but you need to have a FULL-TIME mentality to make it work optimally.
Can I sell Medicare Face To Face Or Telesales?
At Duford Insurance Group, we support both face to face and telesales Medicare Advantage sales.
Here’s the reason why:
- Medicare Advantage is one of the simplest products to sell. Most plans have zero premiums, they have zero underwriting requirements, and they’re a tangible good that everybody understands.
If you’re interested in the telesales world, most of our prospects as of 2022 have bought a Medicare plan over the phone at some point in their life. So they’re already familiar with the telephonic approach to doing business and getting it approved.
If you decide to go the telesales route, the good news is that the product itself is simpler to manage, and therefore the opportunity is ripe to become a local agent that just happens to sell over the phone, to get both the benefits of in person sales by being local, but being able to do it out of the comfort of your own home.
Likewise, if you’re interested in traditional face to face sales, we absolutely support that at Duford Insurance Group for Medicare sales too.
If you need help deciding on which is better, my recommendation is to come to our Q and A calls, ask me, and then I’ll give you some feedback on what would be best for you.
Do You Support Agency Building For Medicare Advantage Producers?
One of the most exciting opportunities I feel that we’ll have over the next five to 10 years in the Medicare Advantage base are those agencies who are interested in building a small five to 20 person agency, either based face to face or telesales, and incorporating a more personal feel than the call centers.
Therefore, I am very bullish and actively involved in helping agents who aspire to build agencies, put the pieces together to run a successful business and generate leads, find quality agents, and then help them build an agency.
There are huge opportunities not only to develop passive income from agency building but to develop a business that can be bought out at a multiple of the revenue.
There are a lot of organizations that are going to be interested in buying up Medicare Advantage business, so building a business is imperative.
If you aspire in that direction, we can absolutely help you, as we’ve helped plenty of others do the same.
What If I Have Insurance Products Elsewhere? Can I Still Sell Medicare With Duford Insurance Group?
In short, yes.
We don’t require you to sell all of your products with us to also sell Medicare.
If all you’re interested in working with us at the present time is the Medicare business, we’re absolutely happy to get you started on the Medicare side of things, and then look at possibly adding other products with us in the future.
All that we ask for you to do is to do all your Medicare with us because we plan on training and supporting you. But the other business, you’re not required to move to us in order to do Medicare sales with us.
I’m A Brand New Licensed Agent. Should I Start By Selling Medicare Advantage?
One of the reservations I have about selling Medicare as a new agent to insurance sales is its low first year commission. Medicare Advantage pays a great residual income, but not the best first year commission.
If you are not financially secure or have a spouse selling for you or can weather lower commissions for the first year to two years, it’s likely Medicare Advantage is not the best product to sell and begin with.
What I would recommend to you instead is to consider selling a higher first year commission product, like final expense with Duford Insurance Group.
In fact, what I teach many new agents in the business to join Duford Insurance Group is to first start with final expense. Build your sales and marketing skill set. And then over the course of the first six to 12 months begin to integrate Medicare as a cross sell opportunity.
We don’t start with a bunch of products all at once, simply put, because it complicates what should be simple, as opposed to what we like to do, which is incorporate Medicare as you become consistent in the final expense space.
So, give this some thought. Again, you’re welcome to jump on our live Q and A calls to ask this question. I’ll give you my honest insight on whether you should start with Medicare to begin with or final expense. It’s a great question to ask and very important to nail upfront and get down right.
What’s Better To Sell, Medicare Advantage Or Medicare Supplements?
At Duford Insurance Group, we’re squarely aligned with building agencies based off of Medicare Advantage and not Medicare supplements.
Here’s why we like Medicare Advantage better than Medicare supplements:
- Medicare Advantage pays better longer term. Medicare Advantage pays lifetime renewals, equivalent, if not higher, than Medicare supplement renewals, which only pay for several years, six years at max in most cases.
- More prospects available. There’s a growing trend towards people buying Medicare Advantage plans over Medicare supplements, and the opportunity is ripe to help more people with Medicare Advantage.
- Medicare Advantage is becoming more business friendly. It used to be many years ago that Medicare Advantage was, simply put, not business friendly.
There was lots of red tape and compliance issues, but thankfully the government has recognized that loosening and relaxing these rules is critical in order to help people maximally with their Medicare Advantage and Medicare needs.
So the business has gotten better overall and has made Medicare Advantage sales a lot easier to collect from lead generation and prospecting.
- It’s an easier sale. With Medicare Advantage, there are no premiums, no medical underwriting, and there’s lots of extra benefits that entice people to buy, like part B give backs or grocery cards or dental, vision and hearing benefits.
It’s simply a more accessible product for most prospects and has extra benefits in many cases attached to it that make it more appealing to buy than a simple Medicare supplement. At the end of the day, we support Medicare supplement sales too.
Understand while our focus is on Medicare Advantage, we absolutely support agents selling Medicare supplements when the need arises, and it certainly will at times, as you get into the Medicare space.
Again, probably nine out of 10, if not more, of our clients end up in Medicare Advantage products because of how we market, but that one out of nine will be, or one out of 10, will be a prospect for Medicare supplements.
So we definitely will equip you with several Medicare supplements, so when the opportunity arises, you can help people with supplements too.
All About Numbers
How Many Sales Presentations Weekly Should I Do?
We recommend full-time face-to-face agents strive for 15 COMPLETED appointments weekly, and telesales agents strive for 20 COMPLETED appointments weekly.
Part-time agents should start with cutting those numbers in half.
What’s The Average Closing Ratio?
For each completed presentation, we expect 50% to buy. Some agents only sell 40%, which is typically workable.
The best agents consistently sell 65% to 70% of completed presentations.
Quality Of Business?
If you follow our sales training advice while offering multiple insurance products, we expect 90% or more of your Medicare clients to stay on the books after the first year.
How Does DIG’s Sales And Marketing Training Work?
Here’s how training works at Duford Insurance Group:
- Interactive Training Website. We have a training website that houses every conceivable training resource you’d ever need to master Medicare sales. Scripts, classroom training modules, live sales call analysis recordings, carrier cheat sheets, quoters, and on and on. If anything, there are TOO MANY training resources.
- Weekly Live Training Conferences. We host weekly training calls on all sorts of different subjects including script role-playing, live sales call analysis, carrier training, new agent onboarding, agency building, etc.
- One-on-one coaching. You have access to David Duford and Medicare trainer Luis Moreno and can schedule a coaching call anytime with him to discuss anything at all you need help with.
- Field training opportunities. We have a network of agents nationally that are willing to take new agents on 1-day ride-alongs to learn more and observe how the business is done.
- In-person boot camps. We host boot camps in various parts of the country on final expense, annuities, Medicare, and telesales.
- Direct access to trainer Luis Moreno and David Duford. As a DIG agent, you’ll get Luis Moreno’s and David Duford’s personal cell phone whenever you need help with anything. Just call and/or text and David is at your service.
How Do Agents Scale Up To Make $250k+ Annually?
Bottom line, they buy a LOT of leads, and run a LOT of appointments. Our highest income-earning agents regularly buy 80 to 120 leads WEEKLY, running 30 to 40 appointments weekly. We’ll teach you how to get there =).
I’ve Read Everything Above And Am Interested In Joining. What Happens Next?
Once you review how Duford Insurance Group works, follow these directions:
- First, get your license and AHIP credentialing completed.
- Next, apply to join our agency here. Make sure to complete the ENTIRE survey requirements to be considered.
- Have more questions about joining Duford Insurance Group? Join our Insurance Sales Success free training site. In addition to a private forum where you can ask any questions you’d like about joining Duford Insurance Group, there’s 30+ hours of recorded sales and marketing training, numerous sales scripts, and more.
Medicare Testimonials
Helping 18 Families In 1 Week With Medicare!
How To Write 600 Medicare Plans In 1 Year!
Medicare Telesales: How Ethan Sells 15 Medicare Plans Weekly Over The Phone!
How Adam Sells 15 Medicare Policies Each Week!
How Did John Close 28 Medicare Policies In Under 7 Days?!?
Next Steps
Click the buttom below to see if you qualify with our requirements and to know what you need to do next.
Apply To Join Here