Do you sell insurance or looking to start selling insurance?
Not only does insurance sales offer fantastic financial opportunities, it also provides for some funny, sad, and the occasional scary story.
Trust me. Selling insurance is NOT boring, devoid of life or soul, as you’ll find out shortly.
Let’s get started with 6 stories I cultivated from Ryan Saridakis’s Tips, Tricks, and Closers Community on Facebook. If you’re an insurance agent, I highly recommend checking out the website.
Also, if you’re in the market for inexpensive final expense Facebook leads, check out Ryan’s website for more information here.
Now, let’s get started with the stories.
1. Snarling “Dog Man” Attacks Well-Meaning Agent
Agent: Nick Frumkin, The Insurance Panel
100% true story. Long, but worth it.
I show up to a scheduled appointment. Guy’s 80 year old mom answers the door. Says he’s in the other room and she will get him. It’s probably better I wait on the porch.
Ok, odd, but not too odd. There is a glass half screen storm door that she leaves closed but she leaves the main door open while she goes to get her 60 something son.
I am able to see into the living room from the front steps and there is a guy in his mid 30s sitting there (middle of the day mid week) eating cereal and watching TV. Or he was until she walks away.
As soon as she walks off he turns and stares straight at me and continues to eat his cereal while never looking away from me. The cereal does not always make it to his mouth cleanly and a small puddle of milk starts to form on the coffee table where he is dribbling because he’s more interested in staring me down than in making sure he isn’t making a mess.
My appointment comes to the door opens the screen and glass storm door and tells me that he already saw someone from my office that morning and why the hell was I there? I told him that I was the appointment that he has scheduled and he said “no, that guy came by early this morning” we go back and forth a bit about this and as he gets more and more annoyed the guy on the couch starts to growl quietly. I show the appointment the card etc and the guy on the couch starts to growl more loudly.
I finally give up on getting in because I’m getting really creeped out. At this point the 80 year old mother is yelling at “Donny” (couch guy) to settle down and her yelling is getting more and more panicked.
Finally Donny flips over the coffee table and on hands and knees charges the door/me while barking like a dog. At the same time my appointment lets go of the spring loaded half glass storm door which slams closed just in time for Donny to hit it full speed, face first, making his nose bleed. This is about a half an inch and a bit of glass away from where my knees would have been had I not jumped 3 feet straight backwards down the steps.
Donny is not phased and continues to bark face pressed against the glass bottom of the door while Mom is shrieking at this point and my appointment is threatening to get his shot gun if I don’t get off his property.
So… I get in my car and leave. Called my lead vendor and told him to never send mail to that address again. Only time I have ever done it.
2. Losing Mom Is Why I Am An Insurance Agent
Agent: Ramon Becerra
I started selling life insurance 5 years ago because my mom passed. My dad received a decent check for her life insurance.
After that I was a believer and thought, “I can sell that!”
Still doing it today and focused on selling final expense insurance.
3. Are You Man Enough To Buy Life Insurance?
Agent: Matthew Murray, The Insurance Panel
I had a husband and wife combo. The premium between the two was 282.00 a month. He had the check book, and she had him convinced that they will think about it and I could see him not looking up.
I stopped and said, “Can you make me a sandwich?” She replied with, “Of course, what would you like on it? “
I told her every topping I could think of. As she walked out the room I looked him dead in the eye and said, “So are you the man of the house?”
He flexed and sat up straight and said “What do you mean? Of course I am!”
I responded and said “Well why didn’t she offer you a sandwich while she was up?”
He SCREAMED across the room, “Hey Woman! Make me a sandwich too, and make it bigger than his!”
*He’s huffing and puffing*
I said “Doesn’t that feel good? To do what YOU want?” He said, “Yes”
I said “Now grab your check book and write the check.”
She came back in and nearly dropped both our sandwiches. As she started to get mad he said “Sit down and be quiet, we are getting this damn thing!”
She sat down and gave me everything I needed to do the application.
Still on the books 2 years later. I couldn’t believe I got away with that.
4. Chased By Pig
Agent: Trey Kendrix, Trey Kendrix Life Insurance Agent
I once was chased after making a sale by a razorback hog.
Now when someone tells me watch out for the dog, I can say I’ve seen worse!
5. Why Agents Fight To “See The People”
Agent: Jessica Ewing, Superior Financial Group
Sad story but taught me a valuable lesson about door knocking and staying persistent with people.
Client hung up on me 3 times so I went to introduce myself and let him know I’m here to help. He opened the door and said I do need this but I’m headed to the doctor my friend is taking me.
His friend was outside in the car and he walked out with his oxygen machine and cig in hand, was maybe 90 lbs. I scheduled with him to come back in two days.
I wrote the policy Feb 26 his son called me March 23rd to tell me he found his dad dead in his bedroom. This client and I talked for a while about him living with his son and how bored he was and he was trying to quit smoking and save for a junket car so he could at least drive to the park during the day.
He didn’t want to be a burden on his son and the coverage he knew was more important than the car. I showed him how to use Uber and how $7 would get him to this park he was talking about. Dude was so cool and I felt so bad for his situation. His son said he spoke highly of me and my card was in his policy just where I told him to put it.
I learned a lot about resolving each lead no matter what this day. I also learned that the feelings that his son had and knowing his dad tried to protect him was worth more than the policy itself. He may have only received $100 back in return of the premium, which barely helped I’m sure but he knew his dad tried.
I cried with him and spoke very highly of his father and my story for him was priceless. He said his dad had quit smoking for 2 weeks. My first death claim from a door knock.
This was the day my business went into overdrive. I would never take a no on the phone again and will always doorknock them. I realized this day how much these people need us to go to war for them.
6. Backwoods Alabama Redneck Threatens My Life, Still Close Him Anyway
Agent: David Duford, Buy Life Insurance For Burial
I just wrapped up a sale at a little home on Lookout Mountain, Alabama, when I decided to do one last door knock for the evening before heading home.
The lead was right around the corner, and had no contact information, so I figured I’d head on over. What do I have to lose?
That’s when I saw it, pulling into the driveway. There was a sign, 4 feet by 6 feet, that read, “Any damage done to your property or person is NOT the responsibility of the property owner. Signed, the X’s (the prospect’s last name).
I reflected for a moment. Should I continue driving on to risk my life or go home?
“Screw it!” I said to myself. Guess I still was feeling the high from the last closing.
As I approached halfway down the gravel driveway deep in the woods I could see a man slowly rocking back and forth in his chair. When I parked the car, I took a happy-go-lucky attitude and started the conversation:
“Mr. Jones, right?”
“Depends who’s askin’.”
“You’re the man I’m looking for!”
Mr. Jones said nothing.
A little disturbed, I jumped directly into why I was there, explaining to him that he sent the card back, there was no phone number, and it’s my job to speak with him briefly about the information he requested.
“Hold on, let me go grab my wife. She probably did that.”
Moments later, Mrs. Jones came out of the home. While Mr. Jones walked off to work in his garage, Mrs. Jones and I discussed final expense life insurance
She was the dictionary definition of the perfect life insurance prospect. Her first husband died with coverage, and she understood the importance of it. She wanted a small policy on his husband, as he had heart surgery a few years back, and didn’t have any coverage whatsoever.
I offered her a small policy to fit her meager budget that would pay for most of his burial. She liked it right away, and suggested we walk over to Mr. Jones and get his agreement and signature.
This is where things turn south…
Mrs. Jones walks up to Mr. Jones and asks, “Danny, I need you to sign this life insurance policy we’re going to take out on you.”
Danny emerged from his truck and said, “I ain’t signing no f***ing policy!” He began frantically screaming, walking right up to me while yelling, “This mother f***er came into MY yard, on MY property, WITHOUT my permission.”
Holding back the urge to piss my pants, I calmly replied, “Mr Jones, if you’d like me to leave right now, that’s totally fine.”
“MOTHERF*CKER, you’re lucky you’re not dead and buried in my back yard,” was his response!
What happened after that is a blur. I remember he and his wife arguing. Somehow… perhaps by divine intervention… not only did Mr. Jones calm down, but he actually SIGNED the application!
Once I got that app back, I hustled my lucky arse back to the car, thanked the wife while I was there, and headed on home back to Tennessee, lucky that some random redneck wasn’t the end of me.
But this isn’t the end of the story. Mr. Jones actually REFERRED me several prospects. And slightly 3 years after taking out life insurance coverage with me, I received notice that his wife filed his death claim with the company.

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023