Thinking about trying out Facebook final expense leads?
Wondering if final expense leads generated on Facebook are worth the hype?
Further, are they really better than tried-and-true final expense direct mail leads or final expense telemarketing leads?
If so, it’s imperative to read this article BEFORE buying ANY Facebook final expense leads.
In this article, I’ll explain the TRUTH behind working Facebook leads final expense (surprising to many).
More importantly, I’ll compare and contrast Facebook leads to direct mail and telemarketing leads to better shape your perspective.
Whether your are thinking about getting your insurance license, or are an experienced final expense pro, this article will help a ton =).
NOTE: Are you an aspiring or new insurance agent looking for more insight on how the insurance sales industry works? Check out my free New Insurance Agent Resource Guide to help answer many of your questions (as well as ones you didn’t know you had!).
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What Are Final Expense Facebook Leads?\
Let’s paint the picture of the basics of final expense Facebook leads.
How To Order
Facebook final expense leads follow the same procedure as most final expense leads.
Most agents purchase them from a vendor.
Then, vendor places the ads in the areas of your choice.
Like with direct mail and telemarketing leads, you pay per lead generated.
Turnaround time is quick.
The best Facebook final expense vendors take 5 to 7 days to fill an order of 25 to 30 leads.
If you’re a technological Luddite like me, don’t worry!
A Facebook account is not required to order leads.
Simply visit the vendor’s website and place the order.
Information Provided
Facebook final expense leads offer a good deal of information about your prospect.
You get all the basic information, including the prospect’s:
- Name,
- Phone number,
- Address,
- Email,
- Favorite hobby or color to help identify yourself when calling.
- Some vendors provide info on preferred beneficiaries and desired coverage amounts.
There’s lots to like about Facebook final expense leads.
Let’s hit the major advantages below.
Get To Work Faster
No more waiting 4 weeks for direct mail leads or 2 weeks for telemarketing leads.
Expect to get your final expense Facebook leads filled within a week’s time.
If you need leads super-quick, then you’ll like Facebook leads for final expense.
Less Money Tied Up In Leads
A weekly flow of leads is critical to your success as a final expense agent.
However, using direct mail leads requires 4 weeks’ investment BEFORE receiving your first lead.
This means you’re “money-in” several thousands to do direct mail right.
On the other hand, Facebook leads require less time before leads return.
And this means you tie up less money into your leads prior to working them.
This allows agents otherwise shut out from using quality leads to have access to a fast-turn lead opportunity.
Better Prospect Quality (Sometimes)
With Facebook final expense leads, many report a higher average premium than other leads.
Why is this the case?
Seniors using Facebook typically are on smartphones.
This implies a higher level of sophistication than your typical final expense direct mail lead.
Even to this day, some of the best final expense prospects use a flip phone and have no clue how to use the Internet.
And a higher level sophistication may mean a higher earned income, since the client can afford the smartphone and the service plan.
Bottom line, the best final expense Facebook leads are better in overall socioeconomic quality versus what you would see with direct mail lead.
Facebook leads are not all rainbows and sunshine!
There are some drawbacks to these leads.
Let’s cover them below.
Outdated/Incorrect Information
Unlike direct mail and telemarketing leads where lead info is accurate, Facebook final expense leads sometimes have out-of-date contact information.
Why is this the case?
Many final expense Facebook lead vendors auto-fill demographic information from the user’s account into the lead form.
Meaning, they do this WITHOUT requiring the lead to manually apply the information.
Sometimes you’ll get erroneous leads, as the prospect has moved or changed phone numbers.
Ask your Facebook vendor about refund policies on those leads.
Some will replace your leads, others won’t.
Lots Of Windshield Time
Facebook final expense leads require a larger geographic coverage than other final expense leads.
Here’s how I mean…
In 2019, I purchased between 100 and 150 Facebook leads for several weeks straight.
My goal was to schedule 25 to 30 final expense presentations weekly via the phone to sell face-to-face, just like I train my most successful agents to do.
TONS Of Drive Time
While I did this without issue, the problem I ran into was the level of windshield time between appointments.
For example, I work in rural Northwest Georgia and East Tennessee.
It was not uncommon to have 60 to 90 minutes’ drive time between appointments.
Other Leads Offer More Geographic Saturation
This is where direct mail is advantageous. Even in smaller population areas, you can acquire a large volume of direct mail leads.
And this reduces wasted drive time, allowing more time spent with prospects.
Bottom line, there are still more seniors with mailboxes than seniors with Facebook accounts.
And while the number of seniors using Facebook increases daily, expect to cover a larger geographic area with Facebook leads compared to direct mail leads.
Too Many Agents Using Facebook Leads
This is the biggest problem associated with Facebook final expense leads.
I have seen big insurance multi-level marketing companies enter the final expense business over the past few years.
And commonly they recommend Facebook leads for new agents to work.
Why is that a problem?
Very simple!
First, there is only so much “real estate” a potential prospect will look at while scrolling through their Facebook feed.
In other words, this means there is an upper limit to the number of ads a user will see.
Second, Facebook primary revenue generation strategy is through advertising.
And because Facebook is interested in maximizing revenue, it shows similar ads to people who have shown interest in the same topic previously.
What does this mean?
More Competition
It means the people who click on Facebook final expense ads are GUARANTEED to see MORE final expense Facebook ads.
And with so many Facebook lead vendors and big MLM insurance agencies vying for Facebook-generated leads, this means that the competition in working Facebook-generated final expense leads is fierce!
The outcome of this is that Facebook final expense leads have increased in price 25% to 50% over the past 2 years.
What originally was priced at $13 to $15 a lead, now is commonly $20 to $25 a lead.
More Interest = Longer Fulfillment
I am also getting reports from agents saying Facebook leads are taking longer to fulfill than usual.
I say all of this to caution you from thinking Facebook final expense leads are the best thing ever.
Make sure you’re carrying the best final expense carriers so you can provide your clients with the most competitive underwriting and pricing.
Otherwise, you risk another agent replacing you, with as much competition in Facebook final expense leads as there is!
What’s It Like Working Facebook Leads?
A common question every final expense agent asks is,
“What is it like working Facebook final expense leads face-to-face?”
Let’s discuss that in detail below.
The Polarity Effect
I had a conversation with an agent of mine in Texas recently.
He PERFECTLY described Facebook leads to the letter.
“Facebook final expense leads are either HOT… or ICE cold!”
His opinion is spot on.
Unlike direct mail or telemarketing leads, Facebook leads are either in LOVE with buying final expense life insurance from you…
…Or they are dumbfounded as to why you’re even calling on them!
In fact, they’ll claim they NEVER filled out the lead request form!
As any experienced final expense agent working direct mail will tell you…
Working Facebook final expense leads is TOTALLY different.
Sure, you’ll get direct mail leads claiming they didn’t fill out the card.
Luckily, you have the card to show them their handwriting to prove otherwise.
Here’s my point…
Expect more polarity in interest with Facebook leads than other lead sources.
Don’t get me wrong. Polarity isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Arguably, I want to spend more time finding the lay-downs, the easy sales than with wishy-washy, tire-kicking leads.
Closing Ratios Similar, Less Appointments Booked
When working Facebook leads, my presentation closing ratio is on par to working my primary lead type, direct mail.
For example, a good agent (not bad, not great) should convert half of his presentations into sales, and set half of his leads as presentations.
Working Facebook final expense leads personally, I found that my sales presentation closing percentage was about the same…
…BUT, I booked a lower percentage of my Facebook leads into appointments.
Why is this the case?
I think it has to do with our Facebook leads’ level of sophistication. Unlike their direct mail counterparts, they seem to screen calls more heavily.
In fact, the BIGGEST problem with appointment setting Facebook leads is getting the lead to pick up!
So make sure you’re doing a healthy level of door knocking to maximize appointment conversion.
2 Ways To Get Them
Ready to buy Facebook final expense leads?
Want some suggestions on how to do so?
There’s really only 2 options you have. Let’s cover cover them below.
This is the option you’ll probably want to consider first.
Find a Facebook final expense lead vendor and test-run a batch of leads to see what you think.
Currently, the average price for Facebook final expense leads ranges between $20 and $25 a lead.
Paying above $25 a lead is highway robbery.
There’s no good reason to pay that much per Facebook lead, as all Facebook leads are too similar to warrant paying higher than necessary.
What vendor do I recommend?
First, I don’t sell Facebook leads and have no desire to.
Plus, lead vendor quality changes frequently, thus my recommendations today might be out of date when you’re now currently reading them.
Facebook Lead Vendors
Here are a few vendors to review that agents have reported a positive experience with:
- Secure Agent Leads
- Game Time Leads
- DIMG Leads
- Tips, Tricks, & Closers
- Monday Morning Michelle’s
- LeadFEX
- Leadrilla
Do It Yourself
This is an option for experienced agents who can afford the time to manage their own campaign.
There are several courses available that will teach you how to manage your own final expense Facebook lead generation campaign.
Benefits Of DIY
Why do Facebook lead generation yourself?
The primary benefit is that you generate leads at wholesale and pay no mark-up to vendors.
I have heard of final expense agents generating leads between $7 to $15 per lead after tweaking their ads.
Do the math on the difference on what vendors charge, and you’ll soon see the savings.
Advertising Mastery Takes Time
However… if you are not DEDICATED to sticking through the learning curve of marketing on Facebook…
Please, do NOT waste your time.
Marketing using Facebook is not a “set it and forget it” solution.
It takes constant time, constant tweaking, to get things just so.
That’s why I recommend only experienced final expense agents embark on this process.
New agents without Facebook marketing experience have enough to learn and enough to worry about.
It’s better to outsource lead generation while you learn the craft of selling final expense.
DIY Facebook Vendor Options
Interested in learning how to do Facebook final expense marketing on your own?
Here’s a few vendors to consider that will teach you how to do it:
- Perpetual Intent Marketing: Jerry Moore has taught final expense agents for years how to self-generate their own leads.
- Customized Quotes: Lee has self-generated his own final expense leads online for years. He offers a course to teach agents exactly how he does it.
- Secure Agent Marketing: Landon McCarter’s agency management service offers the benefits of wholesale lead costs for a small monthly management fee.
Here’s the bottom line…
Albeit prices and competition for leads are increasing…
Facebook final expense leads are here to stay.
They fit an important role in providing decent-quality, fast-turn leads at a fair price.
ESPECIALLY for agents who can’t invest in direct mail final expense leads.
Be Forewarned…
HOWEVER… considering Facebook final expense leads’ problems like:
- Wide geographic requirements to work them,
- Issues with data quality,
- Lower conversion ratio, and,
- Stiff competition among agents over the same leads,
I still hold that direct mail final expense leads are KING.
Even in 2020, most final expense agents should focus long-term efforts on direct mail lead generation.
If you’re interested in learning more about joining my national agency where I help final expense agents become top producers, please check out this page here for a good overview of how I do things.
Thanks for reading!

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023