Annuity Contracting Onboarding Overview
Watch this video below *completely* before proceeding
Please Follow Each Step In The Order Described Below
Step 1: Financial Fraud, Chargebacks, & Vector-One Review
Please Read ALL Of This Memo BEFORE Proceeding!
For all new agents, you MUST watch the video below AND read the following memorandum on chargebacks, Vector-One, and the aggressive prosecution of financial fraud before proceeding any further with contracting.
Step 2: Identity Verification
Please click the Berbix logo below to begin the cost-free identify verification process (takes no more than 3 minutes to complete).
NOTE: After you submit your Berbix identify verification request, please continue the process in STEP 3. We will NOT follow up regarding the identity verification results unless there is an issue.
Step 3: Create Your SuranceBay Account & Submit Your Contracting
Important Note About Direct Deposit Setup
We are not able to accept starter/convenience checks, deposit slips, or direct deposit forms.
Please submit a voided check with a valid check number, which matches the Account Name, Bank Name, Account Number, and Routing Number in SuranceBay.
If your account does not have checks, please provide a letter from your bank on bank letterhead, signed by a bank officer with their title clearly indicated, stating the bank account owner name, the ABA/Routing number used for direct deposits, and the bank account number and type.
How To Complete AML Training
Many carriers will also require you to complete Anti-Money Laundering Training. See the video directly above for guidance on how to do that.
SuranceBay also has one available for free inside of your account once you’re in the AML section as well you can complete.
Which Annuity Carriers To Select?
Please only select both Athene and American Equity, unless Stephen or David recommended a different carrier.
Getting Stuck Completing Your SuranceBay Account?
If stuck, go ahead and send the email and password you selected to Marty Waters at
He’ll log in to get you unstuck, and having your account credentials ahead of time will hasten the process.
Step 5: Getting A Release Of Existing Carriers to Move To DIG
Watch the video below for important details:
Please download and complete the release here – Blank Release Form.
Email the signed release once you get your old upline’s signature.
Next, DIG’s contracting team will send that into the carriers and make sure your release is processed along with your carrier contracts.
Any troubles, reach out to our contracting assistant Nancy Morgan at directly and she’ll help!
Step 6: Sign Up For Our Agent Only Newsletter
Assuming you have completed Steps 1 through 5, please add your name to the Duford Insurance Group Agent Newsletter list below.
NOTE: Do NOT complete the form below UNTIL you have completed Steps 1 through 5 above.
FINAL STEP: Get Access To Our Training
Now that you’ve completed contracting, it’s time to get access to our agent-only annuity sales training material.
Click the Skool logo to request access:
It usually takes 12 hours or less to authorize your access, so please be patient =).
We look forward to working with you!
Dave Duford & The DIG Management Team