In this article, I discuss how to set final expense appointments by phone using your final expense leads.
The goal is to show you how to use the phone efficiently to set final expense appointments in an effective manner.
Final Expense Appointment Setting Script
How does the script sound put together?
When Mildred says hello, you say:
“Hey there my name is Billy Bob, is this Mildred? Hey Mildred, this is Billy Bob calling about the information you requested. You sent a card in requesting information on our final expense programs. I am calling you to day because I will be in your area tomorrow and I want to set a 10-minute appointment to deliver the information you requested. How does 10 o’clock on Tuesday sound?”
Details On Using The Script
Your Goal Setting The Appointment
What do you say when you are on the phone with a lead?
First of all, the goal is simply to set the appointment.
Do not qualify the prospect. Do not go into the sales pitch.
Your goal is to simply set the final expense appointment to explain everything to the lead face-to-face.
In fact, the best qualification is a lead agreeing to let you, a stranger, inside of her house.
This means that this lead most likely has a marginal level of interest in what we are selling, which is the best and only way to qualify someone over the phone.
Tips On Pacing And Tonality
When phoning for appointments, you must be deliberate with the words you say.
You must speak clearly, coherently, and loudly enough for the lead to both follow you and understand what you are saying.
Generally speaking, slowing down your rate of speech to about 75% of your normal speed, and emphasizing the main words in the script will help you a bunch.
Remember, do not go into anymore detail.
You tell them:
- Who you are,
- Why you are calling, and,
- Then set the appointment.
Objection Rebuttal Script For Final Expense Appointments
Hopefully, they will say “yes” to the appointment.
However, the reality is there are always objections to handle.
The most common objections you are going to hear are:
- “What’s this about,”
- “I am busy,” or,
- “I am not interested.”
How do you answer these types of objections?
Respond enthusiastically:
“Hey that is fine and that is exactly why we need to meet. All I need 10 minutes to show you this information and what you do with it is up to you. How is tomorrow at 2?”
This turn-around rebuttal works great with most objections you hear, with small variances depending on who you’re talking to.
For example, let’s say the lead says:
“I’ve got enough insurance.”
Here’s what you say to that:
“Hey, Mr. Jones I’m glad to hear that and the truth is everybody I meet with already has life insurance. This is about something totally different and all I need is 5 minutes to show you what it is about. How does tomorrow at 2 sound?”
The reason this works is:
- You acknowledge what the person said, and,
- You spark their curiosity while promising to be brief.
Remember, they sent back the card for some reason. In fact, they most likely expected someone to follow-up with them, so you must persist.
Best Time To Call
The best time to call is anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.!
Truly, anytime of the day is a good time to call to set final expense appointments by phone.
Mornings And Evenings
The most effective times of the days are first thing in the morning from about 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., or from about 4 to 5 o’clock until about 8:30 at night.
Dinner time is always the best time to call.
You will get more people picking up the phone, since more people are home from their daily activities. You will find it is a better use of your time.
Weekends, Too
If you call on weekends, Saturday from 9am to 12pm works wonderfully.
Sunday is even a great day if you are really motivated. 4pm to 9pm works great as people are getting back from church, and never anticipate a solicitor calling on a Sunday.
Believe it or not, very few people actually complain about you calling on them for an appointment.
Hope that helps with learning how to set final expense appointments over the phone. Leave a comment if you have questions.
And if you’re interested in learning more about how working with my national insurance agency works to sell final expense, Medicare, or annuities, click here.
And read my many Agent Success Stories and check out my best-selling insurance sales books.

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023