Want to learn from a Guinness World Record hold about how to sell more life insurance?
In this podcast, learn how legendary life insurance agent Ben Feldman of New York Life Insurance sells life insurance to small- and medium-sized business owners.
You’ll get a sneak peek into how Ben presents life insurance to his VIP clients, and how he closes using the medical close.
This training is especially important for new insurance agents wanting perspective on how to present life insurance to prospects of all different backgrounds. Experienced insurance agents will benefit learning the “old school” methods of prospecting and closing for life insurance business.
If you like Ben’s training, make sure you check out his book The Feldman Method and Creative Selling For The 90s (links are affiliate links).
Both books are pricey and out of print, but well worth the investment (I own both).
And make sure to subscribe to my daily podcast for training on all-things insurance sales and marketing!

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023