Having trouble using SuranceBay to contract with your insurance carriers?
If so, you’ve found the right walk-through article!
Below, I describe how to set up your SuranceBay account and each step necessary to get appointed.
Let’s begin.
How to Create an Account
Before you get started using SureLC, make sure you have access to the following:
- Adobe-flash capable browser (I am told Apple products/browser does NOT work to access SuranceBay)
- A document scanner, and,
- The correct SuranceBay contracting link.
IMPORTANT: Since SuranceBay uses Flash, your browser probably does not automatically utilize it. When you follow the SuranceBay link, you may not be able to directly access the log-in page.
If so, SuranceBay should should you a series of directions on how to activate Flash. It will look like something below:
Simply follow the directions as listed to active Flash and continue the process.
NOTE: Make sure you use the CORRECT SuranceBay link provided by your upline. If you use another SuranceBay link another agency gave you in the past, any contracting you submit will go through the OLD agency, and NOT the new one.
You can confirm which agency will collect your contracting upon reviewing the Home screen after logging in in the bottom-center of the screen. Here, you’ll see the name and phone number of the upline.
Once you have these things, you can create an account following the contracting link your upline provides and typing in your personal information.
You will set up a username (your primary email address will suffice so that your agency recognizes the account) and you will set up your password.
Once confirmed as a licensed producer, they’ll approve your account and you can log in to your SureLC account.
NOTE: Recently received your license but SuranceBay cannot find you in the system? No worries, SuranceBay updates new licensees *once a week, every Sunday.* So you may have to wait a little longer before the system recognizes you.
How to Complete your Profile and Upload your Certification
The next page will show you a summary of the contracting paperwork your agency has collected and a “producer” icon.
That’s where you’ll click to start filling out the necessary agency information. Many more tabs require completed information to successfully create your account.
NOTE: If you are contracting as a corporate entity like a LLC, make sure your LLC is insurance-licensed first. Otherwise, SuranceBay will now allow you to contract your LLC.
SureLC will ask you for your signature on 2 documents as well as a voided check if you want your sales commissions deposited into your account directly.
Carriers may request confirmation of your Errors & Omissions Insurance so SureLC will also ask for a copy of your declaration page as proof of your E&O if you have it.
NOTE: Need E&O? You can buy via your SuranceBay account. Otherwise, check out EOForLess. They do a good job.
You can then scan in the signed and required documents and attach them to your account.
NOTE: Carriers require your E&O to be CURRENT in order to accept contracting. If you opt for an effective date on your E&O to some point in the future, then carriers won’t begin contracting you until on or after that effective date. To avoid the delay, make the effective date of the policy the same date you want to submit carrier contracting.
How to Request Carriers
Once you have your profile, your agency will start submitting carriers’ contract paperwork to your SureLC account.
The first is to “Request An Appointment” button on the SureLC profile.
Click the “producer info” tab and click “request appointment.”
NOTE: This will NOT be available to you UNTIL you complete ALL requirements in your Profile section.
Next, you will have 4 steps to navigate to sort your carrier options through checkboxes and change your request type depending on the contract you plan on accepting.
You will have to specify the states you require for an appointment, the product lines, and answers to the background questions. SureLC requires you to reconfirm this background every 2 months that you have a profile on the site.
NOTE: To ensure your contracting is submitted, you MUST review the ENTIRE digital-version of the producer appointment paperwork, then click the “Submit” button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
If you do NOT do this, your contracting will NOT be submitted.
To confirm contracting is submitted, your SuranceBay contracting overview page should state that contracting is at “BGA” or “Carrier.”
If it states contracting is at the “Producer,” that means you have outstanding requirements needing completed before submission. And usually it’s because you have not reviewed the documents and clicked “Submit.”
About SuranceBay
SuranceBay provides automation software called SureLC for licensing and contracting, which allows your agency to manage multiple contracts with insurance companies whose products you want to sell.
The software allows you to bypass the normal paperwork channels of making new appointments and manually tracking these orders by automating your agency’s appointment schedule, both with new insurance carriers and with non-resident clients.
Want To Learn More About Partnering In My National Insurance Agency?

To learn more about contracting, reach out here.
We have access to all sorts of benefits for final expense agents, including:
- Top contracts for new and experienced agents. David Duford recruits and operates at FMO/IMO levels, giving him buying power to offer commission levels to agents and agencies others cannot match.
- Affordably-priced, high-quality final expense and Medicare lead programs for direct mail, Facebook, and telemarketing leads. David does not profit from the sale of leads, only referring you to sources with a track record of success.
- An endless supply of top-notch prospecting and sales training at your fingertips.
- Weekly sales training calls with David, ride-along training opportunities with David and his team, and direct phone/text access to David when you have case placement and sales questions (yes, David answers his own phone =).
- Additional training and support for agents interested in cross-selling Final Expense, Medicare Advantage, annuities, or growing their own insurance agency.
Reach out to David by starting here. Talk soon!

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023

January 03, 2023